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especially when you first start a role it can feel like there’s nothing to do. i usually use this time to learn everything i can about the industry and organization. it can feel a little weird to be reading about stuff during work hours, but it usually pays off in dividends when things ramp up later on. this also gives you the opportunity to come up with proactive ideas for projects and such.


I’m trying to buy some music, but the band only offers the following bespoke services to listen and perhaps buy their music. I am barely familiar with any of these services except Spotify.

My question: Will any of these platforms/storefronts lead to me being able to download some MP3s, put them on my phone, and listen to them with VLC? I don’t want to get something tied to an app or a platform or whatever. I want the Bandcamp experience is what I’m saying.


I just wanna listen to their music without blowing up my data, really. If they were on Bandcamp I would have bought it days ago.


Amazon Music (second from the bottom) will let you purchase and download the track and play it on another device or in your normal media player without an app. Often you’ll have to find the “purchase options” button and go through that because they decided awhile back that everyone would rather stream music instead, but it’s what I use for single tracks (mostly because of inertia) when Bandcamp isn’t available


Thank you! Even with this knowledge, it took like four clicks to get where I needed. Never would have navigated that on my own.


Yeah, in terms of UI/UX Amazon Music is honestly pretty awful now since they’re trying to funnel everyone into their streaming service. Were it not for the aforementioned inertia, I’d have stopped dealing with it a long time ago

Glad I could help!


In terms of minimizing distractions, I think it helps to break your day up into manageable chunks and essentially cut yourself off from distractions during that time.

I’ve been working from home with no supervision at all for several years now, and I still struggle with staying on task. But on my best days, I sit down with my coffee in the morning and make a granular list of what I want to get done. The smaller the task the better. Check them off throughout the day and take a small break after each one.

There are lots of different strategies people use to stay focused and minimize distractions - one you might have heard of is the Pomodoro Technique. Essentially before you begin a task, you set a short timer and commit to only working on the task during that time. Once the timer goes off, you take a break. After a few of these, you take a longer break.

I often find that larger and more nebulous tasks can be very hard to just start working on, and when I settle down to work on them, I kinda don’t know where to start and I am very ready to just say “ah, I’ll just check my e-mails first” or whatever and kick the can down the road. Giving yourself small blocks of time and small tasks to complete generates a sense of gentle urgency and a nice positive feedback every time you check something off.


are they still mad at sweet baby dot com or is that done now?

That week it was in the news and I needed barbecue sauce it influenced me to pick up Sweet Baby Ray’s when I was in the condiment aisle making up my mind.


they’re mad at sweet baby lol

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The whiny babies are not letting it go, no.

deleted better not give the sweet baby situation any oxygen. I hope gamers everywhere have a nice day


this guy alters the content of his posts to avoid controversial situations. get him!



looking at the last few post itt reminded me about the sweet baby controversy


my man can’t help himself from talkin bout that sweet baby


people need to wake up. sweet baby dot com is hurting the video game industry


Sweet babies need the most attention!



Am I gonna die because of seed oils?

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I hope not!? why would you??