if i like the game i’ll give the post-game content a shot, then stop when i’ve had enough or 100% if i still like it a lot
What does the ‘a’ in the expression “fuckin’ a” stand for? Is this really obvious and I just forgot or is it a true mystery?
Is it ‘absolutely?’ That feels a little ridiculous to me.
Affirmative, I believe.
pretty sure it’s “eh.” lot of versatility there.
seems to me “a” is not the part of the phrase that should be abbreviated
This is why there was this idea in my head that it was short for another swear word, but when I tried to think of what swear word that could be, none of them made any sense.
So the Hitman franchise is on sale yet again. I own Hitman 1 and 2 of the newer ones (the ones that used to be released once a month or whatever). I am trying to figure out what I need to buy to get Hitman 3, but not re-purchase what I already own. What the fuck does any of this mean?
Q: I already own standalone HITMAN (2016) and/or HITMAN 2, how do I buy only HITMAN 3?
A: By buying either HITMAN 3 or HITMAN World of Assassination. It doesn’t matter anymore if you own standalone H1 and/or H2 games, because H1 GOTY and H2 Standard content inside H3 is free and unlocked automatically so you’re paying only for H3 content. In the past you could either import locations for free if you owned standalone H1 and H2 or buy access passes to play H1 and H2 content in H3. Now it’s unlocked in H3 automatically for free regardless if you own previous games or not.
i hope this helps. it’s very confusing for no reason
Well, Hitman 3 is not listed anywhere as such, that I can see. This image on the store page doesn’t clarify much either:
I am able to buy all of these, doesn’t seem to note what I already own as other bundles on Steam do. I am pretty sure Hitman 1 and 2 covers at least 75% of what here is listed as ''Standard Edition"…
hitman 3 is hitman world of assassination with a different name because it now encompasses the entire trilogy. you’re correct that standard edition includes all of hitman 1 and 2, the deluxe includes the DLC of hitman 2 (looks like the sniper missions), as well as hitman 3’s DLC
Right, I think I get it now. Very confusing! Thanks for the info.
@Death_Strandicoot is right, it’s affirmative. It started as military slang, and was used to show enthusiastic affirmation.
I looked into it cause my wife uses it as a curse. If she stubs her toe or drops something she’ll yell “fuckin’ A!” Which always seemed wrong to me. Like yelling “WOOHOO” when you see you owe two grand in back taxes.
Another military slang we commonly use- snafu. It’s actually an acronym that means Situation Normal All Fucked Up
How much should I pay for a working Wii U? The prices are all over the place.
Also, I still haven’t played a hitman. I bought world of assassination but haven’t touched it yet. If the trending cold of this winter continues it’s definitely going to be in the next few months.
I do see them in thrift stores sometimes… maybe if you wait good things will come to you. Also I don’t think there’s really a huge amount of cool stuff to be gained by having a wii u at this point. very few of the big games have not been ported to switch.
This is a very specific situation that maybe nobody will have an opinion on, but let’s see!
I am trying to keep as few albums as possible (I have a lot) and have a few that are “on the edge.” most pressing for me is one album (by Nokko). Tracks 1-6 are so forgettable that I would prefer not to listen to them at all. Tracks 7, 8, 10, and 11 are good-to-great and I like them a lot. It’s an 11 track album and I like 4 of them.
What do you do with an album you only like 36% of, but that 36% is cool and unique?
- keep it
- dump it
(here’s one of the good songs if you wanna hear)
Can you get the album on another format? I’m assuming this is a vinyl version of the album Colored.
There’s plenty of albums I only like some of the songs on, and some where I only like maybe one or two, and those are ones I wouldn’t physically keep especially with a huge collection.
I’d never suggest anyone get rid of their music which is why I voted to keep it, but if you could get a smaller version to help with space that’d be my option!
It’s a CD actually - pretty small, but my cd zone is also packed. It’s a situation where like - will I remember that I like 4 songs on this album when I come back to it in a year? Will I hear the first 6 songs again and be like “why did I keep this, it’s wasting space!”
much to think about
I only own albums that I enjoy all or most of. I like to be able to set the needle on the outside of the vinyl and walk away.
Edit: Nevermind that thought since it’s CD.
Have you got another half an album you like that you could create a mixtape, well mixcd with then? This way you’d half the space and still have access to the music you actualy want to listen to. When friends and I had albums that were less than 45 minutes we’d often share them by putting two on a D-90.
This is quite the conundrum.