BLAST THAT #%^* HOMIE (#%%*homie, #%^*HOMIE)

This is what I was blasting last month:

After dark:

When I wanna spread thankfulness which is often:

When I’m riding with my homie:

When I just wanna chill and not disturb the increasingly rare peace:

Blasting ska after beating DKC:

I should just assemble playlists like a normal person.

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I only drive my internal combustion engine vehicle twice a month to move for street sweeping. When do I that this is the only song I’m blasting

Does anyone here blast tunes on their bicycle commute?

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blasted this one on the bike ride to work 2day. on my headphones though:

when i remember to charge my speaker i try to go for more calming music, for some reason


I’m working on the thesis here
About how without music, my reality of enjoying the ride becomes that much more fragile.
I might just get/build an even bigger speaker on my bicycle. Being aggressive may work, but adrenaline and anger ages you. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and I don’t wanna join in playing the same game as the people who bully me on the road.

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Worst feeling in the world is leaving the house on bike w/ speaker mounted, then realizing the speaker battery is about to die. I’ve legit gone home to charge the speaker a bit and then head back out lol. Its very important to have music yes! Only thing keeping me sane dealing with dingus car drivers.


Car blastin’

Bike blastin’


Senior year of high school, I had a car with a CD player and I knew how to make my own CDs. So for a while my commute music included the following songs, mostly from OC Remix: “Phantasy Is a Four Letter Word,” “The Man with the Machine Gun,” and “Mama Brain.”

There were a couple of others I can’t find. In college, this was my most frequently played song, in car and computer: the Earthbound remix “Dreaming on Distant Shores.”


Was gonna let this one die, was kind of embarrassed since I made it for very personal reasons that passed. But glad y’all are down to blast that shit. I made my own playlist of sonic 2/3/k tracks that I’m still blasting to this day!


Alright I’ll bump because I’ve been blasting this. I found one that’s perfect. Im back from my trip and back to doing everything by bicycle. I can play this on repeat.

I’m starting to work on my bicycle again and feeling motivated to finally clean her up and put on a new rack.


I’ve found the Hybrid Front OST to be among the most blastable


home is where are sublimely catered toward blastibility.


I admit that occasionally I’ll throw this on while I’m driving down a highway at night.


I am in a headspace now where I can put this into words. Because the beach community that I live in has such a boombox culture, and I’m out here every day riding and blasting tunes, I may as well be that guy who is blasting weird video game music. On a very rare occassion I will hear someone else blast street fighter music or like dubstep super Mario brothers. Hybrid Front is perfect. It’s smooth, fm synth. Vaguely recognizable as sonic / SEGA music, it’s over 15 tracks which are all bopa varying from hip hop and other genres. It’s got really dope voice samples that say “LEZ DOIT”, really great drum and bass, and each track starts with a drum intro. There’s more to it than this, but this is why it’s perfect. I’m just blasting by. With hybrid front I already had someone say it’s magical when I ride by. The music is also aggressive enough so that tweakers and the like get a subliminal message that I’m not a target, but it’s cool and synthy enough that normies hear me coming and may not feel like I’m gonna hurt them, that I’m just a speedy guy. That’s why the Sonic OST’s are good too. While a couple people recognized my sonic OST, I needed some
More beef to fill out the playlist.






Exactly 5 minutes from destination:


Guilty Gear has so many of these


The theme song for Automobili Lambourgini in N64 also deserves to be blasted

As does the theme to Ken Griffey Jr’s Winning Run… NO CAN STOP THIS


This track gets an award. OG APPROVED HIGHLY BLASTABLE
I added it to my sonic playlist. After work I was blasting all day on the street while working on my bicycle installing a new rack among other things.
I came home just now on my 5th+ rotation of my sonic & hybrid front playlist, and I put this track on repeat about 5 times on the ride home. When I got home, this absolute OG of an old head came by snapping his fingers and pointing to the beat and said “I like that!”

Personally I love the little sample, it reminds me of animal crossing.

It is so ironic how white and delicate the cover art is :joy::joy:

The key I’ve found is it’s gotta be relatable for some people. But still make me feel like a renegade to blast it.


More often than not people recognize it as Sonic music, but on the two occasions where someone says it’s Mario or super Mario brothers music, I correct them saying Mario is a NARC