BLAST THAT #%^* HOMIE (#%%*homie, #%^*HOMIE)

Thread for the music you BLAST in your car or better yet on your bicycle / ebike / skateboard. Ya feel me?!

I’m always looking for video game jams that are blastable. I live in the ghetto by the sea, Dogtown, and so I have all eyes on me when I’m riding around so I like to play stuff that is “a vibe” because I’m sensitive to the way my music affects the immediate surroundings. Though at the same time, when I’m not on the boardwalk where there are no cars, I’m weaving traffic and almost getting hit just to go pick up some beans at the grocery store. Making this thread after an especially PTSD inducing ride to the grocery store while I was blasting hydrocity zone act 2.

I’m always posting this and that, saying it’s what I’m blasting. Acoustic covers and etc.
But lately I was looking for FM Synth that goes hard. Eventually I said screw it and just started blasting the sonic the hedgehog 3 & knuckles OST and it’s been totally perfect. People love it and it gets me so pumped and made me feel like I’m sonic riding my bike.

I know there’s already so many music threads so I’m sorry, but I wanna pick y’all’s brains on this one subject— what do you listen to when you’re rolling around at various speeds??

Around here we have a pirate radio station and quite often one of the DJs is playing JSR soundtrack

While I’m a peace loving tree hugging west coast rainbow gathering hippie to the core, when I’m riding my bicycle on these tourist-laden streets, I have BIG New York energy. I was a bicycle punk as a kid, now it’s mainstream but I’m still out here trying not to get killed. Hence the title being all caps, I know that’s not necessarily encouraged, hope it’s cool.


i’m down for more inscrutable music threads. if we’re keeping it video game themed, this is a favorite song of mine to put on at the gym:

but who can resist this banger:


when i was still commuting to work every day, i had a four song Sega Wake Up! playlist I’d listen to while driving in:

-Magical Sound Shower
-Chemical Plant Zone
-Super Sonic Racing
-Let’s Go Away

put that bad boy on shuffle and try your damndest not to get caught speeding


posting the neon white soundtrack feels like cheating because machine girl aren’t doing anything outside of their usual wheelhouse for it, but it does rule:


Its blast that shit homie? I alwats thought it was blast that SHITOMI. Like they had a friend named Shitomi.

This like how it took me years to learn in Fighters History he said Big Tornado and not Baked Potato.


i’d start my bike ride with this ridicoulous banger

then this other more chill banger will start

and the climax/the moment i would look the coolest would be bananas

this one kinda sounds like jet set radio!


Yasuhiro Nakano’s tracks for the Tamsoft’s Toshinden franchise always got me pumped, especially this exclusive track in Saturn’s Toshinden


Started Racing Lagoon recently and will definitely be blasting it on the commutes

My go to


I don’t really listen to music in the car anymore but I’m just gonna think of some good driving tunes, in general

Yr lyin if you wouldn’t admit this song would be hot for driving loud. Probably some other bangers on that album

Fair warning some of this music is good for being a public nuisance and it will also make you involuntarily speed. Some of it will make you feel like you’re speeding but you won’t. Some of it will make you speed but only 10km/h


The Neon White soundtrack was definitely in heavy rotation in my car a couple summers ago!! Those hi-nrg techno “feel the rush!!!” samples were great doing 100 on the freeway.


Seems apt to post a track about travelling. If you’re ever feeling lost, physically or mentally, this is your antidote. (Rain or shine.)

This high energy euphoric synth track is from: Rom Cassette Disc In JALECO Remix (2011)

“SHAKTICAT (City Connection)” by Aurtas

Lyrics (my best pre-ai attempt at transcription)

Show me the way to go
I need a feeling like a wind
Don’t hold me up any more
Let me be free and take me dream

Show me the way to go
Your house will put me in a bind
Don’t hold me up any more
Let me be free and make me gleam

Show me the way to go
I need a feeling like a wind
Don’t hold me up any more
You can’t stop me
I go to dream

My brand new car is so fine
It’s a perfect like a clear sky
Grab the wheel and start for shine
Let’s motor!
To voice in a faraway

I drive for connecting beautiful worlds
(rain or shine)
It’s like a singing
there’s no ending

Someday I’ll drive out all my hurt
(down the line)
Look into my eyes
There’s no need to cry

Show me the way to go
Your house will put me in a bind
Don’t hold me up any more
I’ll show you how to get a dream

My brand new car jump a city
And I go to the next stage
I’d step on it for my sweetie
Let’s motor!
To voice in a faraway

I drive to looking for the love
(rain or shine)
It’s like a playing
There’s no ending

I wonder I lose what I have
(down the line)
But I won’t stop trying
I’ll never cry

I drive for connecting beautiful worlds
(rain or shine)
It’s like a singing
There’s no ending

Someday I’ll drive out all my hurt
(down the line)
Look into my eyes
There’s no need to cry


Daytona USA and Super Sonic Racing are tracks I’m too much of a coward to be blasting. The sort of thing I’d blast riding my bicycle home at night or out in the country (and I did, back in the days when I was riding hot humid nights in rural america in the wee hours, listening to a clickwheel ipod) But in broad daylight in dogtown / venice beach, the sonic tracks I’m playing are the 16-bit ones, and ska / jazz covers of Metal Harbor. I don’t even know if I can listen to City Escape, too on the nose! I’m trying to play stuff that I feel like people on the street are gonna kind of “get”.

For example, today at work, our security guard goes “that’s sonic music” when I was listening to Hydrocity Zone. He instantly became my favorite security guard at the santa monica pier.

This isn’t me telling you that your picks are wrong, just that I’ve thought about playing specifically Sonic R and Daytona off my JBL on my bicycle, so many times, and I’m never brave enough.
Maybe I just need to upgrade from a JBL Clip 4 to one of the bigger, clearer-sounding ones.
Or switch to Rollerskates. Cause those OSTs have big roller skates energy imo.

It’s kind of a fine line I’m walking. Hence the thread! Maybe I should have more specifically said “Bicycle Songs, but not just the ones from Pokemon and Earthbound”


blast that shit on me

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Not the same thing but I like going full trippy progressive rock

despite what I said above in reply to esper I do like going full pretentious and weird for the sake of it, even if people don’t get it, if they hear me passing and go “wtf”, that works too.
like I’ll be blasting this sometimes when I’ve had enough:

I’m down with “public nuisance” when I’m subverting the norm. My town is already full of too many people blasting dad rock and guitars and metal and basic stuff and punk and harsh masculine energy on the road.


Somebody needs to cover this


lol I need the rom now so I can watch tennis guys dance on my dmg

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1, 2, 3 1111 2, 3, 4

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Btw a car made a whack u turn in the crosswalk yesterday and collided with me on my bike. First weekend of summer was overstimulating. Yea I was blasting sonic 3 ost the whole time. Fuck summer. I wish it would rain

Right now sonic 3 feels like the perfect balance of funky riddims, aggression, speed, unapologetically chip-tuned, and IYKYK

Some of the hardest shit I’ve ever seen

Hope you’re okay froggy!!!