Calling all Bonkheads!

As I mentioned in some other threads, I have a podcast I do with my friends that covers a different topic every week, and this week we‘re taking on 1994’s Super Bonk! The only problem is, I have a severe lack of context for the big headed guy. I wasn‘t invested as a kid and I’ve been having a hard time finding interviews and such. I know there are some real Bonkheads on the Insert Credit forums, and I'd love to know if you had any history or trivia that might get me more in the zone for the show tonight.

Here's a recently-published interview with two of the creators of Bonk:

[This fifteen-years-dormant fan site]( remains as good a resource as any—the only big Bonk-related thing that's happened in the interim has been Bonk: Brink of Extinction, a western-developed digital-only Bonk game for PS360/Wii that was announced in 2009 and cancelled in 2011, which you can learn more about [here.]([](https://))

@gsk#32074 Wow, this is great! Exactly the sort of thing that I was looking for. It also contains this incredible proto-Bonk sketch:

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I bought a TG16 at a flea market in like 1998 and played Bonk for the first time and it was like I was thrown into some alternative universe where Mario and Sonic never existed and this weird thing existed instead. It was wild.

@CidNight#32080 It does feel like it‘s not trying to ape any specific school of platforming. It makes my think of like… a good version of what licensed games of the era were trying to be. Especially with Bonk’s approach to attacking and power-ups.

Bringing this back as an all purpose Bonk thread.

I [just learned]( that a planned Bonk 64 game eventually turned into Bomberman Hero.
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@“hellomrkearns”#p105815 Bonko no natsuyasumi?

Those Bonk RPG mockups were pretty cool at the time. What I‘ve heard since is that the project was never even really started in earnest and was still in the stage where Hudson was deciding if it was something they wanted to do. But given that other platforms have made the jump to RPGs, I don’t see why Bonk couldn‘t, except that I’m not sure compelling story or dialogue would come out of the Bonk property. Which is to say it could make a mechanically interesting RPG sort of like the Mario RPGs, but story-wise it would likely be a dud without Hudson seriously expanding the universe and ensuring there is always a character to speak for Bonk (who should probably always be non-verbal, not simply silent).

@“marurun”#p106827 in the manga he basically just makes sounds, and everyone around him talks, so I reckon it‘d be like that. (I’ll share an image of it when uploading is fixed)

@“exodus”#p106829 Bonk is basically Gon. Or rather, Gon is basically Bonk.

I‘ve been looking at every single super gameboy border this week, and keep looking at this bonk one and wanting to share it here! there’s a lot of games with SGB borders that you wouldn‘t expect, like A Bug’s Life, lol!

@“treefroggy”#p106847 yeah that's a hot one right there


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@“marurun”#p106827 I’m not sure compelling story or dialogue would come out of the Bonk property. Which is to say it could make a mechanically interesting RPG sort of like the Mario RPGs, but story-wise it would likely be a dud without Hudson seriously expanding the universe and ensuring there is always a character to speak for Bonk (who should probably always be non-verbal, not simply silent).

I picture it as a longer version of the Prehistoric chapter in Live A Live.

GB Genjin's the best one, who knew:

@“hellomrkearns”#p110761 That‘s his problem. He’s King Testicles III. It's that third testicle that makes him so evil. Just WAY too much testosterone for one dinosaur, king or no king.