
@“connrrr”#p154075 big stretch

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@“MovingCastles”#p154052 Black and white kitty stretchy-stretch!


@“Shaneus”#p154544 aww he is an adorable baby!

The three boys <3


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At the vet (just a regular checkup)


@“thebryanjzx90”#p155577 What a brave little soul :heart:

@“[thebryanjzx90]”#p155577 we just did this with the two dogs and they were similarly displeased. this resulted in a very cute photo though, so that's something!

For my debut post on the forum, I‘d like to introduce you to my littlest guy, Milo.

He’s 6 years old, very clingy, and a capital C Creature

I‘m not hurting him he just really likes it when you grab his face lol

He’s my baby and I love him very much. End of post.

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@“speedtrials”#p155892 This might sound like a backhanded compliment, but he looks like he has the biggest personality! I bet he's a lot of fun!

This guy, cuddly guy you'll ever meet. Here's Taika, looking a bit gruff for no reason whatsoever:

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Very good angle of my boy Hank on the radiator

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Is there some kinda conspiracy going in here? Three cats with similar facial markings right in a row? What's your angle!?

@“exodus”#p155977 Tabbies rule, that's the angle.

miss fiona buttonz is turning 10 in april, and she's a fluffy bobtail who follows wherever i go and i love her so, so much


was digging through kitten pictures and i think i'm gonna print & frame that one with the sega stick for my game room


This is my tenant Snake. He hasn't paid rent in years



@“Garrett.exe”#p156219 Solid cat!!

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Remember that scene in the Simpsons where Mr. Burns gets Lenny to justify keeping his job without using the letter E?


I feel like this is not unlike that, but I can't make any mistakes, lest I need to use backspace.

As I finish this post, his paw is slowly moving across the keyboard like some weird sundial. Will just have to avoid words with P from now on.


Benefit of working from home:

Box life:

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so our cat is purrfect, she loves to be cuddled like a teddy bear, likes to play, be around us and all around great cat. She does get sad when we leave (even just to take the trash out) so we decided to adopt 2 very shy kittens for her to mentor and care for (she had been a mother of 2 litters before my partner rescued her when she was around a year old). We are on the first full day with the kitty's and am hoping to start the integration/meeting process over the weekend. Things seem promising, been reading and researching, but….anyone have any tips for introducing kittens to the resident cat?

@“FaulteredBeast”#p157698 We‘ve been pretty lucky with introducing new cats to existing cats (at least, in the last 4ish years or so), usually we break out the Feliway if that’s a thing where you are, and keep the kittens in a separate room by themselves with food, water and litter. Resident cat will try and interact with them under the door (or vice versa) and then just progress from there :slight_smile:

I think once they're introduced in that way, you start feeding them in opposite corners of a room and then gradually move their bowls closer together.

PS. Where's the cat tax?!? ;)