
@“Shaneus”#p157730 my partner’s dad is a cat vet and he did the same thing when he adopted little mister (pictured here, I pay my cat taxes). He interacted under the door with the resident cat and we went from there



There are storm warnings where I am right now and my cats are not happy to be in the basement with us. But tell me why they‘re always trying to sneak down there when I’m doing laundry? Knuckleheads.

@“kyleprocrastinations”#p157742 I think this joke by then French Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau sums it up perfectly, the link alone tells you the punchline. She then said it was a joke and didn't even own a cat.


It wakes me up meowing like crazy every morning because it wants to go out, but as soon as I open the door, it just sits there undecided and then looks angry when I put it outside.

I do hope you and your kitties are okay there braving out the storm.

@“Tom of the Fog”#p157857 thank you, yes, we were all fine in the end. Once we were back upstairs, Hank crawled onto my lap and gave me this look:


@“kyleprocrastinations”#p157904 Glad to hear you're all well. Hank may have survived the storm but was not impressed! I feel a look into the soul there.

Spotted on a drunken walk home (happy St Paddy’s) he’s awesome


The gorgeous brute on the left, Inky, passed away about an hour ago. His brother on the right, Isaac, passed a few years ago now, diabetes and nasal cancer. Both were incredible cats and we're lucky to have been able to give them a loving home.


This sentinel here is Bosco, and he is a stinky little jerk who loves everyone he meets and shows it with soft bites and lapcat behavior. Routine zoomies at 2am kinda guy.


valē, inky

@“Hawky”#p158320 So sorry to hear about your loss - hope you are as okay as you can be there.

Last week we said farewell to our little old lady. Our baby, Fling. One of the best friends we could ask for. Our hearts are in pieces and we miss her dearly.



Last week we also had to say goodbye for now to our little E.T, one of the greatest to ever do it. She lived a long happy life :slight_smile:


Blessings to Fling and Inky and Isaac!


Amazing to hear about their new opportunities in new lands :heart:

To absent feline friends



So many beautiful friends, so much love for them.



(I must mention that cats are lactose intolerant, just in case that info's helpful to anyone here)

@“connrrr”#p158620 it's always made me wonder why giving cats a bowl of milk is such a thing in media.

@“coffeentacos”#p158624 iirc they can drink it fine as kittens but develop the intolerance as they grow.

my cat drinks a dab of yogurt every once in a while but never enough to cause her any troubles, she loves it


@“skelly”#p158656 iirc they can drink it fine as kittens but develop the intolerance as they grow.

I thought this was humans. Then again, I suppose the strongest argument in favor of cats drinking milk is that humans (notably more inhibited than your average cat) still do it despite their lactose intolerance.

So sorry to hear of everyone's dearly departed feline family members.


These are the two from the same litter that my wife already had for around 10 years when we met, and introduced me to the world of cat ownership:
Chloe on the left was the token cat whose affection you had to earn, a sassy lady whom the vets nicknamed "Chloe the Ferocious" and NOT like to be picked up.
Spooky was the friendliest cat I think I'll ever know, just super friendly and never afraid of people. She also did not like to be picked up but was the first of the two to get on my lap. She did the cutest little taps on the wrist when she wanted lap time, and drank her water with her paw 🖤
Both sadly passed away at around the ages of 17. Spooky's was a surprise but Chloe's we had to make the choice (and tbh was probably later it should've been, she was clearly in pain at the time) 😢

They paved the way for these three though, all very different cats but just as loveable 🖤🤎🖤