This makes me want an RPG designed around getting and dialing phone numbers.
So, I’ve had some limited space lately, and I don’t have enough of a real desk to set up a keyboard and mouse, and I’ve been looking for a solid alternative. I’m not sure I’ve found it, but I’ve found something. Enter the nightmare that is the Darkwalker Shotpad.
I’ll say this, so far, it’s more comfortable to hold than I thought it would, but maybe I should contribute it to the handy guide that they provide in the box:
It is weird to use. It’s odd that the left click is on the left trigger. If you’ve played literally any modern console shooter, you’ll have to go against your instincts to play with this thing. It works surprisingly well, and while it’s definitely plasticy, the buttons all feel okay. The triggers are not analog, and every singly button feels like clicking a mouse. Which I guess is the point.
I have to mess around with it more. I don’t hate it, but I’m not sure it’s going to be my standard controller for anything that requires Keyboard+mouse.
Just posting a Negcon compatibility list for folks who might need it.
I already have plenty of Playstation controllers, but I just couldn’t resist this red transparent one. It’s very cool, I think you’ll agree. It also feels like it’s in pretty good condition, doesn’t seem like it has been used that much. But I will. The new go to controller hopefully!
amazing controller!!!
I want to get a 2.4hz Saturn/Genesis controller for my SiSTer.
Anyone has any thoughts between the retrobit one vs the 8bitdo m30?
had a retrobit USB wired one but it being wired meant I kept leaving it places that would make it fall and one of the shoulder buttons broke
I’ve not used the m30 but I have two of the RetroBit Bluetooth Saturn controllers first versions without the analogue sticks, which I understand are exactly the same build quality as the 2.4ghz models - and I really liked them until I got original Saturn controllers again. They’re nice controllers, but do weigh a lot more than originals and it’s quite noticable. One other thing is the click on the shoulder buttons both sounds and feels quite different. However the dpad and face buttons do feel very authentic and the buttons especially sound exactly the same, with that nice soft click.
If you want to get as close to original Saturn contollers, based on shape alone I’d go with the Retrobit.
I have the 8bitdo one but my reference is limited. I’ve only touched a Saturn controller once in my life and it was a 3D controller at a Nights demo kiosk. I had the six-button Genesis controller as a kid and the m30 is fairly evocative of my memories of it. The dpad feels smoother in its motion and the buttons feel a bit more rigid with more travel, for better or worse.
I can’t say that I like the M30 that much, of course I never liked the Genesis pads that well. It’s a solid, good feeling controller but I think it doesn’t align with my preferences. Sorry, I don’t think my inputs that helpful. Basically, it’s a slightly better feeling 6 button controller imo.
I love the M30 and have a few of them. Use a pair on mega drive hardware, one for switch and one for PC
@mindleftbody likes the 8bitdo ones and I like the retrobit ones
I like the M30 a lot and use the BT model wired with my SiSTer, wireless on my laptop. The star button assigns turbo to any of the other buttons when not connected to a Switch so it’s been really versatile for playing Sega and PC-Engine games.
As for authenticity or whatever, obviously they went for their own design and I think it’s a great modernization but fwiw the D-pad retains a matte finish that’s very similar to how it was on the Genesis and Saturn D-pads and which for whatever reason Retro-Bit could not replicate.
I haven’t tried the retrobit one but I have the m30, which I bought primarily for 2D fighting games, and I think it feels absolutely fantastic. To the point where I’m thinking about buying a backup one in case the one I’m using ever stops working properly.
Only downside for me so far is that the d-pad is recognized as an analog stick by the Switch, so in the rare case where you need a d-pad to navigate menus and whatnot, you’re SOL. Not sure that applies to your SiSTer situation, but thought I’d mention it just in case.
nice. thanks y’all for the replies. i already have a (broken and wired) retrobit so I think i’m leaning towards de 8bitdo one. the plastic on the retrobit that i own seems kinda cheap and all the downsides about the 8bitdo people have mentioned aren’t an issue for me.
Retrobit feels exactly like a Saturn controller imo besides the micro switches on the shoulder buttons. Plastic quality is identical.
M30 is modern, retrobit is uncompromising.
I have a wired Retro-Bit coolpad for my Saturn and the D-pad is all smooth. That and the shoulder switches don’t break the experience and the quality of the rest of the controller feels very good but if they were going for accuracy they should have sent these back for revisions cause they just plain didn’t get it right! It’s strange because like I said I think the M30’s D-pad achieves very nearly the same texture I was talking about. It’s that weird dusty matte you can leave scratches in with your nails. Doesn’t feel the same without it.
I 100%’d sonic mania with a black retro bit Saturn pad. It ruled.
i failed to read the system compatibility list before buying a 8bitdo adapter 2.
I thought i’d be able to use my XONE controller on my PS4 but that is not the case :(
i want to play my ps4 but unfortunately i cannot use dualshock anymore (it hurts my hands)