in honor of episode 369, Wednesday Difficulty with Chris Remo I think we deserve a thread for the freaks that still play wordle, the New York Times mini crossword, and especially a site very close to my heart: Puzzmo
Puzzmo is a wonderful little game experiment with daily crosswords, Really Bad Chess, a ton of word games, and some other unique daily puzzles. My personal favorite is a dumb game that takes less than 30 seconds to complete and is impossible to explain but each game lets you share your score with a clean score card that embeds with a personalized link
anyway please feel free to add me on puzzmo and maybe we can get an insert credit club on there to tackle the scoreboard
also feel free to post whatever other interesting crosswords or other cute wordle inspired games you like here as well I love tinkering around with them
happy puzzling! is probably pretty fun for the Insert Credit crowd.
#Tradle #1024 5/6
I am on a discord server with some friends and they had a channel for these games and I eventually muted it and then later others did and I just checked and one friend has posted the answers there every day by himself since all the way up to today.
what a frickin LOSER!!
oh i’ve seen this one !
im a little better at this similar one
#travle #740 +4 (3 hints)
oh nice
#travle #740 +1
I do just want to point out that a thing i majorly adore with wordle derivatives is how they give you a score conveyed through emoji that only has meaning to people that have played today’s puzzle (and it doesn’t spoil anything!)
really cool social mechanic outside of the game! neat stuff!
a game I ADORE that uses this (+cookies tracking) is dungleon which my friend who keeps up with a ton of these games does everyday so i feel inclined to follow (i have a better score on my phone but i havent played this on this computer) #1052 5/6🔸
0⚔️ 5👹 0🪙
streak: 1
one last aspect I wanna highlight that I love about these games is the self imposed hard mode. in wordle for example, you can avoid using easy first guesses like audio or raise, or you can make sure you ONLY make guesses that are possible answers. Great game !!!
to tie back into the podcast i think Chris Remo was right saying that Wordle feels like it was “discovered” instead of created
wordle is mastermind with letters instead of colors, so it doesn’t feel so “discovered” to me but yeah the constraints of the English language makes it more than the sum of its parts and it definitely was a top tier winning combo waiting for someone to pounce on it. or… discover it, I guess lol
here’s a word game I love with super simple instructions that leads to interesting outcomes, just called guess my word
there’s a normal and hard difficulty each day, where you have to guess the word. if your guess is earlier in the alphabet than the day’s word it’ll tell you. if it’s later in the alphabet same thing. that’s the whole set of rules and now you can play it but again, the English language is weird and does all kinds of things so the puzzle becomes pretty interesting as you whittle it all down, especially in hard mode
there are all kinds of score keeping things like fastest solve, solve with least guesses, etc, to keep things a little more interesting but the simplicity of the base game is so nice
I just tried this on normal difficulty and won in four guesses and 29 seconds, which is pretty good according to the leaderboard.
Edit: woah hard mode rules though.
oh very similar to a wordle- like i adore:
Betweenle 649 - 1/5:
- - - -
Puzzmo crossword for today is Spelunky themed. We’ve come a long way