99 Players control 99 Marios each (for a total of 9,801 Marios) through the classic that started it all, _Super Mario Bros._ The first player to reach the end with all 99 of their Marios 99 times will receive a special visit to Nintendo headquarters in Kyoto, where they will be able to play THE REAL _Super Mario 128_ (for 99 seconds)
Not just resurrecting a dead skater in the year 2302, THPS99 challenges players to create the longest, sickest, raddest combo's alongside other skaters. Winners are determined by a combination of distance travelled and the overall traditional combo score. Heck yeah.
You wanted more than 100 pikmin on the field at once? [size=16]Huh? Did you? [/size][size=20]Did you really?? [/size][size=23]Did you **also** want [/size][size=25]**98 captains** out there [size=26]as well?? [/size][size=30]You think they're ***alone*** out there??? [size=31]**HUH???** [/size][size=33]And they're all **LOUIE????** [/size]
Start with 99 player ships on the bottom of the screen. If you get shot down you turn into an enemy ship. If you get shot down as an enemy the player what shot you down acquires you like Gaplus.
[size=30]_**25 - Bosconian 99**_[/size]
Just like regular Bosconian but with 99 players on the map and extra bases to destroy. Destroy all the players and all the bases to win.
you and 98 other players paddle it out on this nonacontakainonagonal field! do YOU have the patience to wait for the ball to approach?? recommended for play on 8k screens only
*Mario Party: The Top 100* didn't exactly set the world on fire. Why? A lack of curation. This time, the boffins at ND Cube have whittled the list down from 100 games to a mere *99,* so that you can be sure that you partake in only the finest minigames that a quarter-century of *Mario Party* games have to offer.
Like a multi-ball pinball experience TO THE MAX but you control one ball instead of the flippers. Stay alive the longest and contribute to the total score the most.
I pitched this to my friends as Donkey Kong 40 for the 40th anniversary of DK but let’s double it and add 19 more:
Everybody is Jumpman trying to get to the top of a DK level six times the height and 12 the width of the original
The online battle royale sequel to the Wii gorefest that showed mom and dad that video games weren't for **kids** anymore. Announced for August 2024, just in time for the tenth anniversary of Gamergate. This time with so much less transphobia, they've got a cute trans girl character you can play as. Gamers everywhere condemn this revelation and refuse to even touch ***"MadWoke,"*** staging a boycott by cancelling their NSO subscriptions in ~~droves~~**handfuls**. Guess what, the transes condemn it too because the character is **mishandled** although some reclamation happens in meme form. The discourse could not be more toxic. Servers close down before the year ends.