environmental storytelling (irl)

@“TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee”#p117146 haha I bought a used car a while back that had one o those fish on it and for a while my car definitely had a piscine silhouette on it just like that

@“safety_lite”#p133473 I love this genre of graffiti.


@“connrrr”#p133475 Are all the "thank you"s for waste collectors? That's really sweet

@“Funbil”#p133476 I think that's a pad-mounted transformer but with the garbage can nearby maybe!

Who did this?!

@“DavidNoo”#p133486 If I saw this I would absolutely make my chihuahua sit in the middle of that dip so I could take a picture

scrolled back through my photos and remembered this sign posted outside of armstrong woods state reserve:


@“DavidNoo”#p133486 Oh I guess it was this person.

@"exodus"#p133512 it's a bit far but I might bring my dog back here!


@“HyggeState”#p133792 That AC runs on Dunkin'

@“connrrr”#p133607 I totally thought those were rice noodles hanging from their curtain rod

@“HyggeState”#p133792 @“safety_lite”#p133794 you gotta feed the beast


@“HyggeState”#p133792 I would never advocate for littering but this feels like culture. Having a Dunkin's cup and not tossing it in there would feel wrong.

[URL=https://i.imgur.com/4Bh46CU.jpg][IMG width=500]https://i.imgur.com/4Bh46CU.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

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