Ep. 171 - Hidden Glass Shard

@marlfuchs2#16684 yeah, final fantasy adventure rules – at least according to my memories as a half-formed baby. those not-actually-final-fantasies for the gameboy that were branded as final fantasies formed some very nice childhood memories.

it's weird watching the video you posted and seeing how zelda-like final fantasy adventure was. when i played the game as a kid, for whatever reason, i didn't register any zelda connection whatsoever.

Can we get a beat 'em up of the scene from Citizen Kane where he trashes that room?

Ah, you mean Hakaiou: King of Crusher



i agree that more people should play the new hitman trilogy; easily a top three series in the last decade

A good question for a future episode is “What games can only be enjoyed under duress?” That is, if you are forced by circumstances to play them for awhile.

the short answer will probably be “most games your mom bought you when you were 9” but I don't think kids have that experience anymore.

The “varied beat-em-up backgrounds” comment made me think that a Beat-Them-Up based on Twelve Angry Men would be rad as heck. You just beat up the other eleven angry men for an hour while arguing until they all agree with you. The knife comes in at one point and you have two different attacks with it

With regards to q8, I used to restart games for that reason all the time… But in the past couple years I have committed to just picking up where I left off and figuring it out. It all comes back surprisingly quickly even after a year or two. Every game I have resumed in this way I have managed to finish.

Oh man…………… This is a PSA for all you gamers out there… if you have not already done so…. I recommend to everyone reading this that the next time you are awake at 3am or 4am or whatever is a bad time for you to be awake, and you‘re feeling weird and not okay about that, and probably either doing something you don’t really wanna be doing (or at least something you wish you weren‘t doing at 3am or 4am or whatever), or just doing Nothing At All, and you’re just kinda wired and tired and buggin' the fuck out on the absurdity of being awake and/or alive and/or in this time and place and mood, speaking from personal experience, THIS headspace represents the ideal conditions in which to intake the pilot for the Bubsy cartoon.

Yes that IS Rob Paulsen.

@exodus#16786 king of crusher rules


@Gaagaagiins#17025 thank god this includes the original ad breaks
