Ep. 188 - Mariountain Dew, with John Linneman

@kory#33089 I‘ve cancelled the move. Family aren’t pleased but there are puns to be had so hopefully they'll understand.

Like a strong coffee any time after about 3pm, this game will keep me up all night. Occasionally I have to fight myself from adding another barcade name or comedy Castlevania title to a months-old thread here.

Turboespresso!!! that's a real hot one there.

The thing that was never reconciled in the conversation was the cafe vs arcade duality. cafe is a hangout spot, arcade (due to noise) is a boisterous spot. It's tough to do both at once.

A cafe where you can play only Electroplankton


I suspect there are games chill enough to be paired with coffee, but those games are not arcade games.

@exodus#33095 I've seen some pretty civilised LAN gaming in european internet cafés. Headphones are the key.

RE: Footsteps, I integrated footstep sounds into my game and it sounds like chewing, and my first thought was “Wow, Brandon would probably hate this” and sure enough I was right. I need to do an audio pass.


Who is your favorite developer of games you aren’t interested in playing?

Haha this is probably Double Fine. I love them to death and want them to continue to make stuff, and hope the Microsoft stuff works out, but gosh darn I could not get into Psychonauts. I thought the DF Adventure game was ok.

If Microsoft bought Nintendo 20 years ago, I believe we won't have Nintendo consoles anymore and Nintendo would be in a worse state than Sega because Microsoft does not know how to crack the Japanese and Asian market and they would mishandle the Japanese operations.

So it's a good thing that Nintendo has laughed them off.

@exodus Regarding Dark Sector and the original demo you witnessed vs what was delivered – this is somewhat covered in the Noclip documentaries about Digital Extremes and Warframe. Worth a watch, if you haven't already!



Regarding a cafe-arcade, and how to mix the two feels -- I think a path to potential success is to have the tables be cocktail cabs, probably with the volume off or turned aaaaalll the way down. I think @JJSignal#33083 is on the right track for how the thing could run. I'd potentially extend it to not just be around 4 tables but rather every table/booth is a cocktail cab.

Be wary, I have never opened a cafe before and maybe all I'm offering are suggestions on how to go bankrupt in record time!

re: arcade cafe ideas

one way to reconcile the hangout/boisterous vibe is to have the two spaces be separate, but not entirely. something cool about arcades is looking over people's shoulders and seeing how they are doing, right? well, imagine a space where the coffee shop area is in the center, raised like five feet high, with a thin bar/table running along its perimeter, looking out; and all around it, below, are the arcade machines, facing toward the coffee shop area. like the manager's office in a factory production line, but fun. there could be glass separating the two areas, or not. so you're basically spectating a bunch of games happening at once while chillin with your coffee, and if you're in a group you can take turns chilling/playing or all do one thing and then the other. it also encourages interaction with other people as you're all seeing each other play. a lot of bowling alleys have that raised spectator area. this is the same idea, but smaller scale, and with a square or round shape so the machines all surround the coffee shop area. hope this explanation makes sense lol

maybe you could have cameras above the machines that record the gameplay live and simultaneously project it on the wall above them. maybe that's too club-like, but idk, nothing wrong with a darker, cozier coffee shop.

i'd call it... The Hard Core - Game Cafe (?) idk :P


@exodus#33063 I have misophonia too as it happens, though with mine i specifically don't mind crunches and snaps (ie here the first bite of an apple is what the sharp stone step sounds to me like) but as soon as things get wet sticky squishy or squelchy my brain ejects (the chewing that follows). Also oddly enough I find it harder to gross myself out (I recall hearing Tim is affected by his own mouth sounds too).

@marlfuchs2#33134 OOOOh this is a good one. I've never played a double fine game for more than maybe 20 minutes but I do like the people there a lot. I just never feel like I want to play their games!

@rejj I've never watched any of these so... I should!

@tombo the central zone idea is cool! they don't have the space for this but I like it, let's make it

@cheezopath tim is somewhat less affected by his own mouth sounds than I am but we both need external sounds while eating. it's only recently that I've been able to eat while having over-ear headphones on (I'm getting slowwwwly better over time but certain sounds still just cause me to lose it).

@exodus#33205 i‘m up for it! you secure the funding, and i’ll be the ideas guy :wink:

I thought Grim Fandango probably had a lot of cut material at the end. I recently replayed it and the 2nd act is a ton of fun and feels fully fleshed out. The 3rd and 4th acts seem pretty short! It can't all be there.


@marlfuchs2#33134 Double Fine… gosh darn I could not get into Psychonauts.

Yes hello this is me also. Really love the concept though

Re footsteps, there was a particular sound I remembered but I was going crazy momentarily because I couldn't remember what game it was from. Then I remembered oh yeah it was Revelations: Persona (the footsteps were exorcized from the PSP version) one of like a handful of games I still regularly think and talk about.

I wonder if this noise would not be so triggering because they mostly just sound like drums. I like the half beat that happens whenever someone stops walking.

I can‘t find a clip that doesn’t have some dude talking over the top of it but genre masterwork Ty the Tasmanian Tiger contains a spider enemy that makes an exaggerated dude-slapping-bongos-really-fast noise when it runs and I‘m sure I’ll be thinking about that noise long after I‘ve forgotten everyone I’ve known or loved

Hot Coffee

@thebryanjzx90#33258 Wow, what bizarre footsteps sounds…like someone wearing tap shoes and using scissors at the same time. I kind of like it, but it seems so disconnected from the motion and would probably drive me crazy preeeetty quickly.

@billy#33307 Grande Theft Auto

These are all amazing café / arcade ideas folks. Yall are a bunch of entrepreneurs.



one way to reconcile the hangout/boisterous vibe is to have the two spaces be separate, but not entirely.

This is kinda what we're going for in the space we are looking at but not as exciting as your idea!! I do think that raised sitting area is really neat. We are trying for a separation, though, where the coffee/food area is one half of the space and the games occupy the other half with cocktail tables in the middle bridging the gap. That way if you want to just hang out with your food you can sit away from the games.
