Ep. 199 - Dreamcast Fruit, with Chris Kohler

@“dylanfills”#p41608 making this a community endeavor also has the benefit of getting the creator off the hook for anticipating and sufficiently communicating the cw to the audience. And people who don’t want to see a cw can just skip it

What are some mundane activities that would make good simulator games?

I've been dog sitting on and off these past few weeks, and also obsessing over the recent Densha De Go!! release, and during my time walking the dog (3 times a day morning, afternoon, night), I was really struggling to find balance between walk time (average 45 minutes) and getting back to work.

It made me think about Densha De Go!! and all the ways it monitors how you get your train to the next destination. A Densha De Go!! style dog walking sim would be the most ideal mundane simulator for me.

The idea would work around getting the ideal walk time in, while also not overshooting the time you need to get back home/to the office. But during this time, you have to plan a route, and find the best way to manage your dog's direction on that route.

Things to be monitored would be:

  • - Time on the walk and how much over or under you are (unlike Densha, being under is still good).
  • - How far you strayed from the route.
  • - How much you let the dog stop to smell pretty much anything and see the signs of whether it'll be "productive".
  • - How many times you have to be firm with the dog (pull away from strangers/other dog walkers, if it's a smaller dog, picking them up to put them back on the right path, etc).
  • The dog's feelings would also be put into check. If you stop with your dog to maybe admire a spot they're sniffing around, their affinity will go up. If you let them meet another dog on the trip, their affinity will go up. But if you're too firm with them and avert their attention to stay on the walk too much, it'll go down and you might risk a "Shut Down" where the dog will just stop and you have to convince them to keep going to avoid the risk of a "Walk Over."

    Your affinity with the dog will also determine how well the next walk might go.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention "Leash Control." It would kind of work like gears on Densha, only the gears would be how short and close or long and far you are away from your dog. This is important for smaller sidewalks and traffic. Shorter gives you more control but limits your dog and could risk lower affinity. Longer is faster, but if your dog is distracted at a certain point on the route, might slow you down more and risk overshooting your time.

    BONUS EDIT: Here's a photo of the dog I was taking care of, Amelia. She's the best, but also stubborn in a weirdly human way.

    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/bmiILqc.jpeg]

    I'd probably play it!



    I think we need a dental surgeon/dentist simulator. The right people could make that game hilarious.

    maybe you could get some kinda pregnant elsa in there, too

    @“JJSignal”#p41616 Dropping that picture and not making any comments about that pillow is the most nonchalant flex possible.

    @“exodus”#p41476 Oh man, I don‘t remember you losing those games, but maaan do I remember playing London Cab. The song that starts at about 3:05 you can sing "LONDON CAB! I’M DRIVIN' A LONDON CAB“ repeatedly to, and I assume it was intentionally written that way in the style of Ronnie Hazlehurst (”The last of… the summer wine, the last of… the summer wine" etc.)

    Also here were my (apparently insane) guesses for Famicom Feud, which in retrospect were all _computer_ games so probably don't count:

    **World Cup Carnival** (1986): US Gold just recycled a shite two year old footy game with the world cup license slapped on and hope no one would notice. Everyone noticed.

    **Battlecruiser 3000AD** (1996): Derek Smart's infamous space opera that went through a bunch of publishers hands and created an insane flame war online that I can't remember anything about.

    **Rise of the Robots** (1994): Well, this one was ported to consoles and also I think Frank mentioned it. Infamously shite overhyped game that when you really get down to it, Rare stole the idea of for Donkey Kong Country but they made it work: "prerender the fancy graphics"

    Might have been able to pull up more extremely wrong answers but that's what I came up with during the segment!

    @“aerisdead”#116 some solid wrong answers!

    I have such strong memories of singing the london cab song. It's just a really expertly poorly put together video game, with almost no thought through the whole thing. I remember we at one point hit something so hard that all collision was broken for the rest of the game. Or possibly we managed to drive faster than the environment could load... or both. But beyond the brokenness of it the concept isn't even "pick someone up and drive them over here" it's simply "drive to this random-feeling point in the middle of a parliament-looking building's grass" and that's it. what a wild time we had in the waning days of the PS2 era.


    @“aerisdead”#p41623 Battlecruiser 3000AD (1996): Derek Smart’s infamous space opera that went through a bunch of publishers hands and created an insane flame war online that I can’t remember anything about.

    I have considered submitting to the ol' Dirt Bag a question along the lines of "Whatever happened to Derek Smart, and should there be a new Battlecruiser game?" but the obvious answers are "who cares?, and no". heh.

    To Frank Cifaldi's bus waiting idea: I made this little title screen and chip tune for a fake game called Super Dependable Bus Stop last year.


    I'll text this to him!


    @“yeso”#p41593 would it be worth the increased risk of a breakthrough infection to go to wrestlemania with a big pathologic 2 related sign?

    Personally I think you should wait................... until I can come with you and paint a big Urdugh character on my stomach

    @“safety_man”#p41641 I love this. This is a great track and a great aesthetic. I‘ve been playing with trackers a bit and PICO-8 a bit. I’ve seen a few other people post music carts that are paired with animations of game concepts or scenes. It's a cool vibe.

    Loved the discussion about content warnings and the idea of implementing them as a type of accessibility.

    I agree with the idea that content should be richly marked up in terms of content.

    I can't believe Rise of the Robots wasn't on that list of poorly received games. What a terrible list.

    After @“Syzygy”#279 mentioned Among Us being a SS13-like, I scrubbed through some of the stuff I've been talking about this year, and I had forgotten that the pull requests for Goonstation has big “Defense Powerpoint Slides That Look Like Shitposts” vibes and that there are some truly bizarre (read: horrifying) interactions in SS13:



    oh yeah, the clip didn't get posted. here it is!!


    I see Alex is watching AEW…

    Seven years after CM Punk left the WWE, there was probably one of the most spectacular moments in modern wrestling. Largely considered the best in the world, but neglected by WWE managment, many thought he'd never enter the ring again, until last week, when he emerged at AEW's friday show to a sold out crowd to announce he was returning to wrestling at AEW. People were *crying*

    but, during his unscripted speech in the middle of the ring, directly behind him....


    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/P40ZbO9.png]
    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ZnbCUl7.png]

    True bravery.

    @“antillese”#p41621 Haha, that was actually a gift from a friend! I did spot some a year or two later at some Super Potato locations.

    Hello! It's been far too long since I have posted. I have still been listening regularly, but finally heard something that required that I stop lurking.

    On the question about mundane activities that would make good simulator games, Brandon mentioned an F1 pit crew game and no one else commented on it. I know absolutely nothing about game design and development, but one of my bucket list items is to make a game.

    Specifically, I've always wanted to make a game that modifies the [pit crew sections of Days of Thunder on the NES](https://youtu.be/uNwEp9Bz21Y?t=454) and makes a full game out of it. Hearing that quick mention of a pit crew got me excited to hear the gang's take on it, but that conversation did not materialize. Just wanted to let Brandon know that at least one person thinks that was a _good_ idea.

    @“palo”#p41799 go do it!! Live the dream!