Ep. 268 - Cake Realizer Button

@“exodus”#p99547 the whole bit about getting pop up notifications about the Googly Stada, i thought they said that came from the tv itself. maybe they need to do firmware updates, but that seems like the kind of thing you set on a 3-6 month reminder and then go right back to disconnecting.

@“esper”#p99562 OH RIGHT. I didn't make the connection.

I found the unfortunate Staida typo in my TV's notification history. Also discovered I have a handful of free months for GeForce NOW which is also kinda neat.

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/tJ1nAD4.jpeg]

@“fivedollardare”#p99685 more like Go-dia

Dude Hygge

@“captain”#p99238 As someone with mostly lukewarm feelings on both Last of Uses my big(gest) issue with the second game was specifically that the flashback/recontextualization arc was just way, way longer than it needed to be to get the intended point across and felt distinctly like padding. Everything outside of that was fine as far as pacing, but yeah, the mechanics of that game are not deep enough and do not evolve enough over the course of each entry to sustain multiple dozens of hours. I appreciate the boldness of the game trying to make a Serious Thematic Point of getting you to a mental space by the end where you‘re fatigued with it all and going "wait, there’s more of this??" by the time it funnels you into the last couple of killfests but, yeah, I do not think the game is strong enough mechanically or narratively to really back up the big shot it's attempting in that regard (and many others).

Is there a plan for the GotY episode yet, or will it get here when it gets here? Last year's roundup got me to play _Dungeon Encounters_; I'm curious to hear the panel's thoughts on a couple '22 big'uns and/or anything under the radar in the last year I may have missed.


uhhh i mean uhh yeah i can comprehend the current date uhh

We are gonna do goty in February again… Mostly to give me time to finish stuff. We usually do it then, but also I hurt my wrist and haven't been able to play stuff!

Steel Battalion controller is basically big Power Shovel controller so construction robot game. Patlabor Power Shovel, Front Mission Power Shovel, etc.

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/mniNVNJ.jpeg]

@“KennyL”#p99852 Patlabor Power Shovel is a game I‘m very disappointed doesn’t exist.

A new construction game with a realistic controller setup sounds intriguing…


[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/GtX1TYG.jpeg]

I asked my good buddy Ivan what the D in Vampire Hunter D stood for and this is what our sleep-deprived minds settled on.

@“Toph”#p101043 a more tragic tale than one might assume…

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/im9uXmo.jpeg]