Ep. 310 - Specdracular 2023

@Mnemogenic Cool! So unless I’m wrong here, the factet is actually that the UK has no commonly present concept of yellow cake.
Apparently it’s madiera cake!

I don‘t know if this is an unpopular opinion amongst the patrons and I don’t know if this has been discussed before but I'm a patron and would be down to hear the ads in the show.

I assume the ads are read by someone on the show or a show liker who has something they want to sell and aren't for mattresses or shaving subscriptions or whatevs.

If that's the case, I say stick em in the patron episodes. Or put both versions up on the patron feed and let us pick if we want the ads or not.

I assume everyone that listens to the show and would want to advertise/have a message read out is cool and I love cool people!

@MegaSigil wow I haven’t heard Reesies Piecies since I was a little kid. And yeah it was really common to call the cups Reesies. Kids aren’t still doing that, I hope (or maybe I hope they are—undecided).

@MegaSigil also this reminded me that some of the later missions in Perfect Dark scared me a lot. The Skedar homeworld and that underwater ship specifically.

@exodus https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1663-show-me-the-skeletons-i-want-to-see-them/37

I have never heard sponge cake called “yellow cake” before, but I have heard mined uranium called as such. Similar to Tim I am not really a fan of chocolate, but if presented the options I sure would eat some chocolate cake before chomping down on some uranium.

@Chopemon It’s me, I read the ads

@Chopemon I think it would be cool if the audio file for the ad was posted on the patreon page. That feels like the right middle ground for me. That way it doesn’t have to interfere with the podcast feed. I’m curious about hearing the ads too!!

~(~(~( Sorry for asking u to do more work, esper!!)))

@connierad this is what I was gonna suggest too - we could just post the ad by itself separately for folks to listen to optionally.

@connierad @exodus actually, given the way the Patreon feed works, those would come through on their own as separate episodes. my advice to patrons who want to hear the ads is to check out the forums!! the timecode for each ad is included above, you can jump right to it. or you can always sub to the main (non-patreon) feed!

Ranking spoilers: it’s really funny to me the way Dino Crisis 2 made top five and the RE1 remake was totally omitted

@esper we could release them just as audio files and not podcast files though… couldn’t we!?

@Jaffe well that’s perfect then. I’ll happily listen to a Jaffe Ad

@exodus I’ll go to “bat” (see what I did there) for castlevania’s horror credentials.
There are a few bosses that are pretty scary and “turn-away-able”. Case and point, Beelzebub in Symphony of the Night. It doesn’t attack you on its own, but attract bugs and drops maggots on the floor due to the rotting flesh. You also beat it by destroying each individual body part, pretty gruesome if you ask me!

Legion, a boss that appears in several Castlevania games, is a giant floating orb of corpses that reanimates/controls the bodies that drop from it. This is pretty horrifying in a myriad of ways.
There’s also the tension of the early game that you experience that’s similar to the tension in survival horror. When you’re underpowered in the early game and dying happens often, every room is “scary” due to the high risk of lost progress. Also like survival horror, there are save rooms that give a respite from the danger, and they provide that amazing tension release in the same way. I get the same feeling hearing the heartbeat of the big save…prism thing, as I do from a Resident Evil saferoom theme.

Pivot: My RE ranking of the games I’ve played and finished:

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 8
Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 3 remake

I also played a little bit of 0 (wasn’t much of a fan), Umbrella chronicles (it was a silly game) and Outbreak (Did not have a good time with this one).

Thanks @Jaffe for the shoutout and thanks @antillese for setting the record straight re: the true provenance of Rain Jerks. I love my dorks and my jerks equally, but Rain Jerks is definitely the Super Mario USA to Butter Dorks’ Doki Doki Panic. I’m sure there are several insightful YouTube videos on the topic in the works as we speak

I can also announce that as of this morning the first major UPDATE to Rain Jerks is now live! It is extremely minor, but so important that I’m embarrassed it wasn’t in there at launch. See if you can spot it! (it won’t take too long)

Rain Jerks by kbones

@connrrr i believe this pronunciation is still popular in New England but my only frame of reference for it is people my age so maybe the kids have given it up! i grew up on the west coast so i didn’t hear reesies until i was an adult but personally i think reesies peecies is a lot more fun to say than reese’s pieces.


can confirm, as someone who spent the first 24 years of life in New England, I’ll admit I was actually surprised when my (ex)gf from NJ was like “that’s not how you say it”

Nothing like going home to see a “Pizza and Grinders” sign, I’ll tell ya hwat

Love a good holiday/theme episode.

I missed the Halloween theming exposition though! Is there a reason it didn’t make it in this year? I’m assuming the scheduling concerns were the main reason, but I love the goofy setups and segues into different questions.

@ninjapresident jaffe said too many the podcasts were doing it, to which I said “aw!” I then took an informal poll in my house (lol) and it was determined that no other podcasts we knew of did it and it’s fun so should be done next year. I haven’t told jaffe that yet. Maybe we should do it for Xmas or something.

“The Elf on the Shelf has stolen all the videgames that came out this year!”