Ep. 329 - The Nephew Line

LMAO Frank's rooster teeth experience. A couple of those guys did admit to being alcoholics and quit drinking permanently so good for them.

The Rooster Teeth podcast introduced me to MEGWIN TV and they were very pro Megwin. So when I was doing a youtube series with Megwin I went to RTX to try and stir up some excitement around it. Not a single person could be arsed to give a rats behind about it. Was kind of a weird experience.

All of human culture revolves around the stray thoughts of billionaire‘s brother’s kids.

re: Shadow of the Colossus appearing in an unnamed Adam Sandler movie:

Out of all possible gameplay footage they could have shown in that scene, I'm convinced that they made a very specific choice (40 seconds into this video)

One could write a film studies paper about the most plane-shaped Colossus swooping down towards the camera in a 9/11 movie.

What did Carl Barks know ……

An early machinima thing I remember liking was This Spartan Life. Is anyone making stuff like that now? A interview show where a host and guest traverse a game world while they talk. They react to stuff happening in the game so it’s clear they’re really there but the game stuff is secondary to the conversation. What game would you use if you made something like that today?

@Dunkr I like this idea. Animal Crossing springs to mind, but there are probably better answers.

@whatsarobot There was Animal Talking but from what I’ve seen they’re just sitting in a studio so it might as well be a podcast.

@Dunkr Whoa yeah this feels like a missed opportunity.

Tim's anecdotes always start like a Dickensian comedy of errors then ends with him buying some groceries and going home.

I can't think of chili oil without hearing this tiktoker:



>!it's also immunized me from ever wanting to eat chili oil.

I didn't realise it was Warner Bros who shut down Rooster Teeth. They also shut down one of our two major news shows.

I've never known much about rooster teeth, though I watched a handful of seasons of RWBY, it was alright but a bit too cheesy at the start and a bit too serious when I stopped.

Jesse Pinkman playing Rage was my only exposure to Rage until 2 came out

I'm quite happy that a contestant I suggested for Violence Island made it to the final round but lost; I feel like that is a perfect calibration of power level for a suggestion.

@pizzascrub What did Carl Barks know ……

a whole lot lol

All of human culture revolves around the stray thoughts of billionaire’s brother’s kids.


the book considers the lack of descendants of the characters.[5] Everybody has an uncle or nephew, everybody is a cousin of someone, but nobody has fathers or sons.

Hope the anti-Irish stuff doesn't become a thing.

All for goofing, but this didn't really land for me. Now, those Icelanders, they need to be knocked down a peg. Bjork over there being her authentic self, making interesting and unique music for the last 40 years... Get outta town, let's drag her talented ass! DUNK ON HER!

@KingTubb yeah, i don’t want to read into it too much, but we went from brit jokes based on hyper-specific quirks in old video games to vaguely racist irish jokes about the potato famine and how there need to be less irish. not really sure what happened here!

will the time limit format apply to next week’s apology segment or will that be free form?

I want original FFXIV just for the font and menu GUI

But you already know I want Maple Story classic+

@saddleblasters yeah I wasn’t into this bit, obviously!

my favorite character types

mean damaged girls:

weird occult girls:

happy-go-lucky justice-oriented girls:

girls who punch:

also the chili oil discussion is far too skewed toward one type. I suggest if you want some real delicious stuff you should check out Kuali salsa macha. It‘s spicy, it’s delicious, it goes on basically everything in my household. Lil expensive but if you can spare the cash it's some of the best you can get in my experience.