Ep. 348 - Brain Hat

Ep. 348 - Brain Hat

Frank, Tim and Brandon increase replay value, examine trendy new Mario 64 opinions, and search google for sgdq 2024 recommendations reddit. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week:

  1. What differentiates a good turn-based battle system from a bad one? (05:15)
  2. How do you maximize “replay value” in a single player game? (14:15)
  3. How do you start watching GDQ? (19:44)
  4. If you had to choose a doctor from a video game to be your GP, who would it be? (30:05)
  5. Spencergifs asks: What are the greatest video game menus? (37:21)
  6. What is something you once believed video games would have gotten around to by now, but still haven’t? (45:25)
  7. Which four games best represent the four conflicts of man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. nature? (52:52)

LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As - Stardew Valley (55:17)

Recommendations and Outro (59:12)


Question 1: What differentiates a good turn-based battle system from a bad one?

Question 2: How do you maximize “replay value” in a single player game?

Question 3: How do you start watching GDQ?

Question 4: If you had to choose a doctor from a video game to be your GP, who would it be?

Question 5: Spencergifs asks: What are the greatest video game menus?

Question 6: What is something you once believed video games would have gotten around to by now, but still haven’t?

Question 7: Which four games best represent the four conflicts of man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. nature?


Brandon: Lady Reporter (1989), Don’t use Sticker Mule

Frank: GDQ, Don’t use Sticker Mule

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One day early?!

Thank you @esper for making the show notes even more accessible


it’s a remarkable feat that anything gets made at all let alone one day early.


I just did this and it’s pretty good. You can get a mx4sio card in a bunch of online places for less than $20, pop a SD card in it and you are good to go.

I posted about it in the hacks thread. Works ok in my slim PS2, but if you have a Big One, a hard drive is probably still better.




I got a big PS2 specifically for this purpose, but have yet go thru the process of installing a hard drive. One day… (Soon I hope).

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hopping on the @esper love train (that i’m already on?), i just saw this promo reel video on their website:

and i didn’t realize how much work went into making the podcast sound as good as it does! go esper!!!


Yeah the P5 menu feedback was the first time I really felt like a game company knows what type of person has played EVERY one of their games. The arrangement of options in the player menu by expected usage felt apparent.

Tim was pretty locked in on his answers. The 3DS 6th gen era games are the best user experience of a pokemon game to date. All the theoretical uses of the pokewatch apps of the DS era would made full fledge QoL features. Super Training brought so many ppl into competitive pokemon through function of making pokemon easier to EV train, but also made a clearer representation of your progress for those that already understood the system.

Player search system was my first encounter of what Kojima later coined as a “strand type” gameplay system. Everything about the system was about working together to easing the gameplay loop for your friends. It informed you of any opportunity in which you can benefit from another player’s generosity or volunteer your services. It made it so you could battle and/or trade with practically anyone on your friend list or just in the same room as you. All while sharing all their player info such as their pokedex count, game version and game progression percentage (via badge and ribbon info). They packaged all this into 3 rows with categories and player icons displayed on the bottom screen.
People loved this menu/system- and they still gave us that absolute dogwater online hub that you have visit with your player character in Gen 7.

The PSS system should have not only been the staple menu for player connectivity for Pokemon going forward, it probably could have been the Switch’s too.


As someone who has been thinking about making a game about the US healthcare system for a long time, the panel’s inability to think of any good video game doctors is sad, but also shows a possible untapped market.


Pathologic fans know the best video game doctors


Learned about Sticker Ninja as an alternative for your sticker needs. I am not a sticker head but present this on good faith as a valid alternative.


The Wii U remasters of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess had the item select menu on the touch screen, which was peak Zelda menu experience. BotW/TotK for all their advancements, took menus back several steps.


Oh yeah that was sick too.

The Switch’s sterile approach to handheld mode accessibility options was such a huge whiplash for me. Already having to press a button to open the map in Splatoon 2 was weird but then I couldn’t tap my teammates to jump to them anymore either?

I couldn’t believe the Pokemon games didn’t at least keep the touch controls for battle. They solved the classic issue of having way too many button presses to do something you are going to repeat perpetually with touch menus and then completely abandoned them in SWSH.

But going back to Zelda, those BoTW/TotK item menus are some of the best examples unnecessarily large amounts input repetition. The cooking accentuated the flaws the most. I think they look quite nice though.


“Min & Max” sparked joy


Certified zoomer here: not sure what the trendy take on it is but personally I was actually surprised, upon finally playing Mario 64, at how fun and cool it still is. I honestly think there are very few games since that have captured the joy of 3D movement in quite the way it does. Mario Odyssey might be tighter but it doesn’t have the same feeling of momentum.

That being said there are plenty of '90s classics I’m willing to be iconoclastic about. Chrono Trigger’s good and all but probably not even like the fifth best SNES RPG. Crash Bandicoot blows.


I find the modern Resident Evil games, especially Village, really fun to replay on new game plus.

First playthrough is your typical fun survival horror. You’re holding on to resources and playing carefully. Playing it a second time feels like getting absolutely shredded and beating up your highschool bully at a reunion. Subsequent playthroughs after that is just how fast can you beat up your bullies.


That reminds me how I enjoyed redoing dungeons in deadly premonition with the weed whacker and just going for speed and score.


I still can’t belive Gran Turismo wasn’t mentioned in the menus question.

The whole GT2 Simulation mode was just menus but East City felt like a place you went to but your used skyline.

Gran Turismo 2 - East City (Theme Original With Link For Download) (youtube.com)


Sometimes it’s hard to think of things in the moment but if I’d remembered I might have mentioned the ridge racer 6 over world map or that one Colin McRae game.

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