Ep. 374 - Cage Rage Gauge, with Aaron Stewart-Ahn

“how 'bout the decals?”
“anythang you lahk?”

I do always hear you saying these things.

and I am probably realistically the morose noctis who is just going “buh” in answers to questions while riding a chocobo in the rain but then sometimes inexplicably upbeat.


This is correct. I am Prompto


Always prompt with that horrible buzzer at the 6 minute mark.


I cannot say with any degree of certainty that David Cage put zero research into the sex shop in Omikron that’s filled with dildos suspended from the ceiling but I’m fuckin saying it


Recently I’ve been obsessed with how little sense power lines make in basically every video game. Obviously level designers aren’t grid engineers and we shouldn’t expect them to know how buildings get electricity, but once you start looking at telephone poles in games you can’t un-see it.

I should really start taking screenshots. So far I think the approximate distribution is that around 25% of city streets in games don’t have transformers on the poles, 50% have transformers that aren’t connected to anything, and the last 25% have wires randomly placed between the lines/transformer/buildings. So far the only example of a realistic setup I’ve seen is in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, although the modern Yakuza games are pretty close.


Show me the utility lines in video games - video games - insert credit

We got you covered


This guy did a great video on rivers in Zelda games.


haha i kept expecting this one to come up, but also it’s kind of the only czech new wave film i know. nice to hear it was there in spirit

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To add onto Brandon’s recommendation: if you can make your exercise a third place, do it!

I used to do a lot of martial arts which is a great way to interact with people and burn some calories. I still hit the bag at home, but injuries keep me from hitting the mats and sparring…

So I switched to curling! And curling can actually be decent exercise, especially if you sweep your ass off. As long as you aren’t downing beers the whole time, I typically have a decent heart rate going and get around 5k steps in per game.


Yeah, I would’ve mentioned bouldering, which is sort of a third place for me when I can afford it. but right now I can’t! Neither money nor time-wise. plus it is such a joke for millennials to like bouldering that I decided to leave it out lol.

Ads aren’t usually very “on the pulse” but when they got to the millennials in this one I was like damn. you got my number.

(obviously I also dislike this ad because it suggests everyone should eat baby sheep in order to relate to each other but you know. it did own me pretty good)


Nice! Even hitting the bag is a great workout and a lot of fun.

I only still train BJJ because it’s very easy to do in a chill manner. On days I don’t really feel like working out that hard I’ll still make myself go to the gym so I get some social time in, and then just train very lightly. So that, plus the additional outdoor time on my bike there and back, always ends up being a great choice for my mental health just as much as physical.

Side note: one of my former gyms had this awesome set up! So we’d get some 3rd Strike in after training on many occasions. Great scene.


I’ll be another to recommend martial arts. I boxed 3 days a week for around 7 years and it’s just such a good way to workout and hangout. I don’t do it anymore because I’ve had trouble finding a gym I can just hit the bags and work the pads in the ring without some class stuff. I go for runs a couple times a week now. You hate it at first, but learn to like it lol.

I also hurt myself running constantly so that’s annoying.


Ahhhh I wish I were one of those people!! Aside from bouldering I have never enjoyed any sort of exercise! I hate it and then I hate it some more and then I wish I could stop doing it. People who get a runner’s high or endorphins from pumping iron are so lucky they have no idea.


Well let me clarify a bit because I don’t get a high from a workout unless I’ve really pushed myself. Like, I’m huffing and wheezing after a run, but I only get that good good high if I’ve pushed the boundaries of my limits.

The more tangible benefit, which I think you were touching on in the episode, is the improvement to overall happiness and health. I’m just plain happier if I’ve exercised enough and have been since I started running regularly only like 1.5 years ago. Before that I also did a lot of Beat Saber to work up a sweat.

I also hate weight lifting so I’m totally with you there. I have friends that got used stationary bikes and that seems like a good fit for many.


ah dang, maybe that’s my problem! when I hit my limit I’m like “well, time to stop!” lol.

I also use a stationary bike and contrary to the name you can’t write with or on it very well. thanks very much, sincerely brandon sheffield


Haha, it goes both ways! I think there’s some sick goblin in my brain that urges me on when I want to stop. I don’t even know how many times I’ve injured myself because I didn’t listen to my body. This isn’t a brag or anything it might be an ADHD hyperfocus thing.

Trying to write on a stationary bike sounds very difficult but that got a real laugh out of me just now. I do think it’s a good way to clear the mind if you’re stuck on something!


I totally understand this!!

I actually never used to exercise b/c I had undiagnosed sleep apnea so not only was I not getting the high people report of exercise (that I now thankfully do!), I wasn’t even getting over the “my whole body hates me and is exhausted hump” due to actual, undiagnosed and untreated health issues.

Now exercise has become such an important of keeping my mental health good that sometimes I also overexert myself b/c I’m like “brain sad, must run”. Finding that balance has been a challenge in of itself.


listen i’m not saying correlation is causation but this is the first time i’ve stuck to any kind of regular exercise in my life, and it’s also the first time i’ve ever gotten absolutely goofball stoned before each session, so make of that what you will

i know it’s not an option for brandon, but wow what a difference it makes!! i am so much less anxious about stuff and so much less overbearing on myself. i can just put on a podcast, pay attention to my body and figure out what parts are stressing and adjust as necessary. i get my heart rate up to where I start sweating then coast for a while, and go up if I think I can and back down if I want to. as long as i go for half an hour and get my heart rate into the Sweaty Zone, I feel perfectly fine with it. It’s the first time I’ve ever not hated working out, and i’m as surprised as anyone


Hell yeah, dude! And it’s all about that consistency. So many people get really excited for a month and then burn out and give up.

If anyone knows how to hurt less from running, I’m all ears. I stretch a lot. My muscles are super tight so I actually stretch every morning too, but I just can’t seem to avoid pain.