Also, as promised, here is the inaugural Factorio Diary Entry #1, January 5th, 2021!
In this entry I will be detailing an error I have made, and roughly what sort of crap I'm gonna have to go through to correct it. It's not gonna be fun but it _should_ be worth it...
This is a bit of the drop-off zone for one of the current 3 and future 6 Ore Processing facilities I'm setting up. There is a good deal of stuff that is specific to the mods I'm using so this is not really standard gameplay or even standard gameplay problems, so be warned.
The Green square is around one of 3 of the train stops where trains bring in crushed ore. I have 3 because... well it's a bit overkill if I'm being honest, but I wanted to give my trains the best chance they got to be able to keep the ore crushing facility, which is elsewhere, from not getting too clogged, even though they kinda are already anyway. Oh well.
Around the Red square are mod only Warehouses, massive storage facilities. They take up a lot of space but they're a relatively simple way to condense a whole lot of stacks of stuff into that space. Each of em can hold 153,000 units of crushed ore. That's a lot, even by mod standards. The Warehouses act as buffer for the larger ore processing facilities above them. They can't work through the ore as fast as I can crush it and get it over here by train, so having storage up in front of that means that the ore processing facilities will always have ore to process, those machines can run as efficiently as possible. Also the little red rectangles are called miniloaders, they're modded as well and generally overpowered. They are basically for giving any old thing an input directly from conveyer belts or output directly on to conveyer belts. They're faster than inserters but less flexible.
Unfortunately for me, I made a grave error when I set up these ore processing facilities. This was for Continnium ore, and I had copy pasted them from a similar set up for two other ores, called Saphirite and Stiratite.
Here's the Saphirite one:
Red: Flotation Cells take Crushed Saphirite and rinse it with Purified Water, pumped in at the top. This creates 1 product, Saphirite Chunks, and 2 byproducts, Sulfuric Waste Water, and Blue Geodes. The waste water is pumped away to a nearby train stop, and the Geodes are moved down to their own train stop below too, to be shipped (eventually) to their own destination once I have that set up.
Green: The standalone Purified water generator. Ground water bores can generate water from anywhere, in unmodded play you can only get water from bodies of water and Offshore pumps. With ground water bores you don't pump up a lot of water, but I don't need a lot. That gets pumped directly into the Electric Boilers on the bottom, which turns it into steam. Then the steam is pumped into cooling towers, which creates purified water (distilled water I guess!).
Blue: Leaching Plants, which turn Saphirite Chunks into Saphirite Crystals. No byproducts, but requires Sulfuric Acid. Luckily for us, that Sulfuric Waste Water we generated in the earlier step is pumped away to be processed into Sulfuric Acid in a different area.
Purple: Last but not least the Ore refinery takes those Saphirite Crystals and turns them into Purified Saphirite Crystals, no other ingredients required or byproducts. The Purified Crystals are then sent to an Ore Sorting machine offscreen, which is relatively simple, and sorting those chunks gives us the "usable" ores I can make into various plates for turning into machines or buildings and whatnot.
I had most of this set up for Crontinnium, thinking that I could just use the same set up. Unfortunately, there's a big problem with this. Firstly, Crushed Crontinnium in Flotation Cells does require purified water and has a byproduct of geodes, but it doesn't produce Sulfuric Waste Water, it produces _Chloric_ Waste Water, and, in the Leaching Plants, requires Hydrochloric Waste Water.
One issue, though. When you rinse Crushed Saphirite or Stiratite (and a third type Bobmonium) ore you get Sulfuric Waste Water, which in turn creates enough Sulfur, which in turn creates enough Sulfuric Acid, to be able to have more than enough Sulfuric Acid to create your Sahpirite/Stiratite/Bobmonium Crystals. In other words rinsing those crushed ores is a net gain of Sulfuric Acid. Which is fine, even good, since Sulfuric Acid is used for a lot of things so you end up needing a lot of it.
Unfortunately, for Continnium crystals and Chloric Waste Water/Hydrochloric Acid, that isn't the case. Rinsing Crushed Continnium and getting Chloric Waste Water, then creating Acid, is a Hydrochloric Acid net _loss,_ meaning, to keep your Leaching Plants supplied with enough Hydrochloric Acid, you need to create Hydrochloric Acid elsewhere and pump it in. So, in other words, my Ore Processing set up that I copy pasted is not going to work for Crontinnium. Instead of pumping away the Waste Water, I think I will create a new set up where the Waste Water is treated and processed mostly onsite, I can still pump in Hydrochloric Acid from elsewhere, but I'll worry about making Hydrochloric Acid another day.
So, I tore down what I'd already placed down for now, and now I'm going to design the Crontinnium processing line now, and maybe also set up my Bobmonium processing today too because that will be easy.