Now we’ve been using Discourse for over eight months, and the quality of life changes since moving have started to really shine through, one older problem we do have is the text format not correctly showing images or mentions to other usernames. I tried looking into bulk updating and it’s not going to work, so cleaning it up means getting hands dirty. Well keyboards.
Going through the posts means people may start to see edits in their notifications, older topics being bumped and maybe a few other random bits but otherwise won’t cause a lot of disruption. So please don’t be alarmed if you get a larger than normal amount of notifications that you wouldn’t usually see.
One change made is now everyone can edit any post they’ve made on the forum, going back to 2020. So if you have time to edit any mentions, you can easily on your own posts by going into the post, using the edit function and changing this:
and save it, nothing else needed! The rest of the text is fine as is and this will then reinstate the mention.
If anyone wants to help out more, let me know and I can send over a list of posts that need editing and set up temporary trust levels to complete them. Once this part is done we’ll look at image cleanup too.