Hey all - our own @bankbank has made another unusual game for you to figure out the vibe of. The game is called Real Time Attack. This time it’s a speedrunning weirdo thing! He gave me some keys, so I am passing them on to you, the denizens of this forum!
KLCGD-B4J0P-QACAN F0W<<-TTF2R-AB7ZG replace << with Tears of XX
ZWEX0-P33IH-BT<RI replace < with the number of the last ridge racer on the playstation
369CI-<<336-RD8VZ replace << with the type of screen people play games on NFETR-QXLE6-GX9PX
ENJOY and also say which one you took. and lemme know if my hints are confusing.
Anyone in need of any of These Specific NES Cartridge Labels?
I sometimes buy repro labels for my cartridges if they’re in rough enough shape. They never get the colors quite right and the resolution’s always too low, and these are no different! I figure, I ain’t no reseller, I’m not trying to pass these off as anything they aren’t to anybody, they’re just sitting on my shelf or in my dang nintendo box. Usually I’m happy to let stuff just Be Old and Worn, but sometimes if it’s messed up enough for long enough that it bugs me, I’ll buy some repro stickers.
Anyway!! Etsy seller sent me two of each sticker for whatever reason. If none of y’all want em i’ll slap em on stop signs downtown as the good lord intended.
This is kind of a weird one. I bought a Klonoa tee from Wik World, but the crew neck was a little aggressively narrow, and I cut the neckhole open so the world can see my collarbones. Which unfortunately left me with this little guy.
when the new DVLSBLSH Zine Vol. 3 arrived, I received two copies! I reached out to @devilsblush to see if it was some sort of mistake that I should ship back, but it turns out I apparently just bought it twice! I would love to find this second copy a good home. Ideally shipped within the continental US, anything beyond that gets exponentially more complicated these days, but if you live elsewhere and really want it, maybe we can figure out a way to get it to you! I think I’m mostly still just gunshy from the time I shipped a t-shirt to a friend in Australia and it somehow ended up being like a hundred dollars lol.
Anyway! TL;DR, DVLSBLSH Zine Vol. 3, free to a good home! ^_^
Doing some deep cleaning and found some old Game Boy Advance game manuals (and a DS one). Anyone absolutely chomping at the bit for some Game Boy Advance game manuals?
After about five minutes of googling I can’t find Batman Begins, Bionicle, Metroid, Shaman King, or Yoshi scanned online. I obviously can’t give these to a thrift store, the only place for them to go is the recycling bin or back in a box—and they’re not going back in a box.
Not really sure how to send these. If someone additionally wants a copy of Heaven by Mieko Kawakami I’d put your manual inside it, lol
yes!!! I would love sonic advance 2, sonic battle, and shaman king, if that’s cool! If you’d rather send them all off at once I can donate the rest to a local game shop that can match them up with loose carts?