Funny screenshot thread

Post pictures in this thread when you are playing a game and something funny happens.

@Dunkr Big “Wife Worried 50%” energy in that one.


edited for being annoying

edit: re-edited back to being annoying

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@yeso Wow.

OH MY GOD. funny screenshot thread has immediately become too existential for its own good.

I thought mr resetti was bad good lord get off my ass lady!

@yeso omg

@yeso holy shit does this happen every time you reset???

I couldn’t find any English language video on it, but I did find this Japanese version. (Either way, it’ll be enough to earn this thread the high data usage tag it should’ve gotten before.)

@aerisdead no just when it thinks you’re save-scumming. But if you fuck up any of the answers you have to do the whole thing over again lol

@Video_Game_King thanks I’ll edit my post it’s too annoying hehe

Not a screenshot but this one is pretty popular among the Spanish speaking fandom.

Character says “well, back to work” lol

@yeso wait wait are you supposed to start out with the hesitant “… yeah I swear” instead of confidently saying “I swear!”? Like you have to pick the specific answers in each of the screenshots you posted (where did they go?) even when the answers don’t seem to match the questions?

not a game but, uhm…

does this mean i have to notify the small little bell icon of something?

OK - someone needs to summarize what was shared, redacted before I saw it, and apparently replicated in the YouTube link, because I super don‘t understand what’s going on anymore.

@antillese Imagine a single post consisting mainly of screenshots of every text box, in sequence, from the conversation represented in the video.

For the record, though, I would have been fine with it if it was an Imgur gallery instead of every image one after the other.