Thought I’d make this thread to highlight any current or ongoing game preservation projects that need support.
The Game Preservation Society is working on downloading and saving i-mode games since the service is shutting down soon.
Thought I’d make this thread to highlight any current or ongoing game preservation projects that need support.
The Game Preservation Society is working on downloading and saving i-mode games since the service is shutting down soon.
Not sure whether this is the right thread but all 67 issues of the magazine NEO•GEO FREAK, published by Geibunsha between 1995 and 2000, are now available for consultation on There were other ways to check them out but that’s a more convenient and perennial-minded development.
I don’t remember if I mentioned it on this message board but I own the four issues of Softbank’s Sega Saturn Magazine which have not been scanned yet and I have been trying to find a way to get them preserved since last Summer but the archiving procedure at SegaRetro is just too much of a pain in the butt… Hopefully when things are back to normal around 2027, I can bring the issues with me at GDC and leave their care to someone linked to the Internet Archive initiative.more motivated
The Video Game History Foundation needs no introduction around here, but I feel like this thread is a great opportunity to plug their Patreon! Come hang out in the vghf discord, where you can keep your finger firmly on the pulse of video game preservation (or, more realistically, dunk on the Intellivision Amico to your heart's content).
Thanks for keeping the thread going! Yeah, ‘Japanese Magazines Scans’ does great work!
if you want to see the latest game magazine scans, check this link:
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Texts, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
@hellomrkearns Could I just send them the four SSM issues? Is there a way to contact them?
They’re on Twitter:
all their other links are here: JapaneseMagScan | Twitter | Linktree
@hellomrkearns Thanks a lot! Sadly I am on none of these fancy interweb accommodations… If anyone happens to know their e-mail contact, feel free to send me a private message.
The Internet Archive rules. Here’s my ongoing Twitter thread of cool accounts
FemboyFilms - Community Devoted to Scanning/Restoring 8/16/35mm Film for Preservation!
Femboy Films | Twitter | Linktree
Edit: I know it ain’t games, but it’s cool.
FYI, the latest episode of the Video Game History Hour is a great panel discussion about game magazine preservation. I’m enjoying hearing Frank get all the way into the nitty-gritty details, including digging up original QuarkXPress files.
Interesting story on one of the first computer games.
The people at Gaming Alexandria are preserving old Famicom games that were written in BASIC and published in computer magazines at the time. They‘ve already done a lot of work, but they’d be willing to accept some extra help.
Playstation Mobile preservation is happening.
More details on resetera thread.
Yes, THAT game is there.
Not linking directly because not sure how @exodus feels about this. I did actually buy it and actually played it but I no longer have it but now I can have it and play it again! Amazing ain’t it?!
Here is it. Pretty tricky to get it in there. Sweet visual! Sweet audio! Sweet feel! 4 stars
Posted this already elsewhere and OP is related to this, but I had no idea about this thread!
This is really sad and needs more attention. Dykg is whatever but this video is very good and done by one of the more respectable people at dykg
Again, really sad.
@[deleted] Soy sauce should not be used for evil.
@hellomrkearns Intriguing - I guess I probably don’t need this since I can just get frank to dump anything I may come across, but it’s still intriguing. Pretty reasonably priced considering what it does as well.
@[deleted] this also appeeeears to dump the actual roms though, does it not?
Oh, I didn‘t actually know that, but it makes a lot of sense if I think about it a little bit!
There’s probably no need for me to have this then… I need to remember that dumping roms is not my responsibility or vocation, and not something I'm aiming for. I just get antsy when I see this stuff!!
@[deleted] I have no real need for something like this, but it is neat to me for two reasons. That it covers so many consoles and that it dumps direct to SD without the need for a computer or software.
BennVenn also makes dumpers for Game Boy and lots of other things.
Cart Flasher / Dumper / Reader / Writer – BennVenn's Shop
This guide is a great resource for providing a quick overview of options for various systems
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