Gameboy delve

I periodically look into replacing my childhood gb’s screen which has a torn ribbon cable. Had one column of dead pixels and I popped it open years ago to resolder the points and noticed it was an actually small tear :’( Does anyone know if there’s now any decent LCD replacements that don’t cost an arm and a leg? Or if anyone on here has a junk dmg with an ok screen I would buy it so I could do a swap. I like the green mush!


Edit: Pic is related


You’ll need something solidly mounted on the inside of the shell for this to drive into.

@“connrrr”#p144492 You could try phone holder tripod mounts but they all look kind of too shallow to grip GB. Maybe you could attach metal/magnet on the back of GBP and use magnetic mounts.

@“powderooze”#p144498 IPS screens are like $60 so not exactly cheap. You could probably get a whole working OEM DMG for about that much these days.

@“KennyL”#p144534 Yeah I think I’ll just keep an eye out for a whole other game boy. Do I really need to nostalgically cling to my childhood hand juice?

I did just remember that as a kid, I had the transparent dmg and friends warned me not to get it “because you’ll be distracted when you’re playing by all of the explosions and stuff that happen inside to make it work.”

DMG prices are fucking stupid. For some reason I've found better prices on GBPs (and yes I am looking for one preferably black so I can use it as a dedicated camera).

@“connrrr”#p153269 used to be able to get them for next to nothing or for free. tnow, everything is minimum one hundred dollars.

@“connrrr”#p153269 I might have one kicking around that I can sell you for a low price. I'll send you a DM with what I find in my stash.

@“connrrr”#p153269 Obviously it is different all over, but for VGNY we basically can only up charge as we have no working STOCK DMGs, all we have left is scraps. So that means replacing just about everything but the motherboard. Which like, yay! Systems saved from the graveyard, and most customers like the refurbed parts. But we just never get anything DMG sold in anymore, so we just gotta make the most of what we've got. I think there is a much deeper issue that no one can really get a handle on of there just being a lot less stuff in working condition out there than we think.

@“robinhoodie”#p153369 I figured it was something like that, and sellers knowing how democratized soldering stations and hardware repair is now thanks to aliexpress and yt. The junk is more valuable now as fun projects that are likely to bear fruit.

dystopic future: all game boys are made of aftermarket, see-through glitter shells with backlit screens and 3d printed buttons

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@“treefroggy”#p153405 Points in the DMG‘s favor. The plastic is some of the sturdiest in a Nintendo console. Main failure points are speaker, and the screen. Though many of the outsides are grungy in a way that buyers aren’t thrilled about.

got to add the Game Boy Color is currently my beach console. Non other screen looks that good under the sun and that screen doesn’t look good anywhere else. Perfect match.

Also mario picross is the perfect beach game but this year discovered my mario picross 2 is not saving games. I was too confident on that old cart.

Check out this alien from Yar's Revenge GBC


@“Mnemogenic”#p159999 I like their X-mas sweater.

@“Uli”#p154060 this post has been approved by the reflective lcd gang

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I came across my partner and my Gameboy Colors today and I thought I’d document them for posterity. Both are pristine and beautiful (I took the old AA batteries out years ago), and I had the added bonus of finding Kirby Tilt n Tumble in one of them, a game I had completely forgotten owning? Also as a bonus check out the 20+ year old battery that was in the Pokemon Pinball cart! I expected it to be completely corroded but somehow it looks brand new. I’m tempted to see if it still has a charge but I really doubt it does.


Kirby’s Pinball is rather known to be good pinball, but I only in the last few months learned that Kirby’s Block Ball is pretty darn good breakout. Nice variety of stages and power effects. If you’re down with breakout it’s quite good.