Games as Wombo Generated Artwork

The Wombo generative artwork website is pretty amazing at coming up with abstract covers for existing video games. Has anyone else found interesting results?

[upl-image-preview url=//]
Sega Saturn Controller

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Radiant Silvergun

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Fat Worm Blows a Sparky

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New Style Boutique 2 Fashion Forward

[“Games as wombo generated art”,“Games as Wombo Generated Artwork”]

ho ho ho it's “festive” pathologic 2

[upl-image-preview url=//]

Only 100 characters? So no really outlandish titles like I Am Brewing You Alive But You Can Leave At Any Time If You Really Want To or I Locked Myself in My Room for Three Weeks and Just Looked at Anime Smut Online. Guess I'll have to make due with shorter zany game titles.

#### *[Anaza: Kaleidoscope Special](*

[upl-image-preview url=//]

#### *[Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen](*

[upl-image-preview url=//]

#### *[Mouse Trap Hotel](*

[upl-image-preview url=//]

I think I'm going to stop here for now; these images are turning out surprisingly huge.

I’ve never seen these games before which certainly makes these covers feel extra authentic. Pathologic 2 looks terrifying.

@"Video_Game_King"#p50132 Gordy would love that pipeline!! Wow!

@“docky”#p50153 Not Gordy, but Gorby. As in Gorbachev. Surprisingly far from the only video game explicitly based on Gorbachev (see: Factory Panic, to a much lesser extent The Berlin Wall).

@Video_Game_King ahh autocorrect got me! I meant to type Gorby. I checked out some videos and boxart. Amazing that this was endorsed!

Meanwhile, in Sega land.

[upl-image-preview url=//]

@“docky”#p50196 And here I thought you were referring to the pig film from before Babe made pig films cool and that I definitely didn't have to look up earlier. While I'm here, though…

### Gordy

[upl-image-preview url=//]

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It's like if the concept of Christmas had its levees break

We should probably get the high data usage tag on this thread, eh?

Ooooh it turns out the “No Style” option is the best one, what the heck is this?

[upl-image-preview url=//]

Turns out Zdzisław Beksiński did a series of abstracts that until previously had been lost, they were on the theme of From Software's seminal cosmic horror masterpiece Bloodborne (2015)

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Not the thread for guessing what the hell this is generated from but in case you want to play for yourself, I'll spoiler tag the prompt: ||Pacman||

Some bad news for this thread:

@“Video_Game_King”#p50300 that IS bad news


@“Video_Game_King”#p50300 Don't like!