Games you're thinking about playing

I believe steam deck plays infinite wealth on low settings and, at times it does actually look kinda bad.
But I’m with you.
As long there aren’t a ton of frame rate dips (depending on the game) it doesn’t matter too much to me.

I’m reinstalling Astro Bot so i can play some of the updates they’ve released.
So I’m thinking about that.
Also thinking about a bunch of DOS games.


Remake’s battle system is fun and the logical evolution of the ATB system. Love a menu-driven system, and even though Rebirth lets you assign more hotkeys and stuff, I still prefer to take my time scrolling through menus in the thick of a battle. Once you get used to it, the real challenge comes in how you use your resources which made Hard mode fun for the bit that I played around with it.

The sidequests are there to add to the silliness. They’re not there to be essential or meaningfully drive the story but I still found myself enjoying doing stuff for all the weirdos who live in the slums. Stuff like the Chadley missions can be skipped entirely unless you really really want all the summons.


I’ve been wanting to replay Fallout New Vegas for some time. The only console I own that CAN play it is a PS3 so I might just bite the bullet and see how it goes. It might actually be the worst way to play that game currently so I’m curious to see how far I can get.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is $20 right now, but I’m just not sure if I’ll like it or not. Seems the writing is good, but I’ve not liked Rockstar’s actual gameplay for some time now in the GTA games.

I recently tried to give RDR2 another shot back in December. I’m with you, I don’t love Rockstar’s particular feel for character movement and weapon aiming. I think the production value is incredible in RDR2, and I was fairly onboard during the linear prologue. Once I got to the game proper with all the freedom and branching quest markers, I realized I just didn’t want to play this gorgeous, thoughtful and incredibly well-made cowboy game. It’s a great product that I just had no love for.

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What draws you to it? It plays very, very differently from GTAV in terms of the actions it prioritizes, but if for example you don’t like the weighty feeling of Rockstar characters walking around, that is still there.

The writing and dialogue I’ve seen are quite good. I like a game that makes me slow down a bit and enjoy the world, but I’m concerned the shooting will feel clunky and outdated, or that there might be too many instances that take control away from the player like the infamous skinning animations.

I don’t mind good cutscenes and story, but I’m put off when games don’t let me just play the game. IE dialogue that doesn’t go anywhere like Genshin Impact, or gameplay without player engagement like spending more time in an open world “looking for the fun” as I like to put it.

I’m worried I’ll love the first few hours and then get fatigued by busy work and just drop it. That kind of happened with Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The time between the good cutscenes kept increasing and it was the same semi-random battles that were taking a big chunk of time. I like the battle system, but not repeating the same handful of overworld encounters over and over.


RDR2 is definitely a game you have to want to exist in. The world is so beautifully realized and everything feels grounded and real in it. Until it doesn’t. The repetitive animations, the constant looting for nonsense and all of the “game-iness” only serves to take you out of this fantasy. If you go in looking for the fun in the game, you’re going to start peeling back the facade rather quickly. It does serve as a very good hangout game, if you’re willing to treat it as such.


it’s 100% adequate. It’s not clunky, but it won’t wow you either.

Kinda. There’s a lot of heavy pathing and defined interactions that you are not allowed to deviate from. The missions of the game are planned and expected to be played in a very specific way. I know this isn’t what you’re talking about, necessarily, but it is in the same wheelhouse. There’s a lot of tediousness in RDR2 that can either add to the immersion, or frustrate a player to the point of wanting to drop the game.

If it’s $20, I say get it. Of course, I don’t know your personal financial situation, but RDR2 is an endlessly fascinating game that I think everyone should give a shot


I realize reading this that no matter how you explain what you’re expecting, it won’t be enough to make any kind of accurate prediction. Like KingTubb said it is a singular game. I didn’t love every second of it but I haven’t played anything else like it. If it’s something you’re even halfway interested in I would say give it a shot


RDR2 is pretty good but it’s a commitment


May I stand unshaken amidst the crash of opinions about RDR2.

Good discourse, all told. That song comes to mind everytime I think of the game and I don’t really have anything to add to the conversation. I guess I’d say if you enjoyed RDR and are interested in seeing some of what shaped John’s character and the end of an era Re: the Dutch gang that may be an additional item in the pro column.

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A friend invited me over on wednesday and we ended up playing a couple of games of Tekken 7 and Street Fighter 5 after dinner.

We both had no idea what we were doing. I never owned a Tekken game and all the characters felt pretty slow and tank-like to me compared to what I know from older Street Fighters. With Street Fighter 5 I at least knew some of the older characters and remembered one or two moves for a couple of them.

It was fun to button mash and jump around and see who could figure out a reliable way to beat the other but quickly started to feel somewhat vapid and unsatisfying, so we stopped.

It’s an experience I had a bunch of times already and each time a thought pops into my head: “what if I actually spent some time with one of these games?”

I feel like that might be satisfying but none of my friends would ever join me in such an endeavour because of lack of commitment and/or interest.

I’m entertaining the idea again but i’m not really sure what series to dive in to or where to start. I must say from the few games I’ve sampled so far, Tekken feels the least fun to play because everything feels so slow. But that might just be due to lack of understanding on my side. Also I’m kind of afraid I lack the time necessary to get anywhere with this.


Fighting games are a commitment for sure, but you can totally get somewhere with even just a few one-hour sessions a week.

You might be glad to know then that Tekken 8 is much faster than 7 !

I think it’s a good idea for now to just keep sampling stuff like you have been, getting a feel for what kinds of games/characters you might enjoy. It’s a remarkably diverse genre.

When you do settle on a game, I would recommend that, as a beginner, you try to make it one with solid rollback netcode.

If you have any questions you can always hit up the fighting game thread!!


That’s always been what I run into. I like the look and feel and the idea of lots of fighting games, and if I devoted all my game time consistently to one of them I would probably be decent at one of them by now, but alas I am weak… and haven’t done that.

If you happen to pick SF6 or GG Strive, I’m basically a beginner and would love a sparring partner


Very good RDR2 discussion above! The bits about it being a very singular game are catching my interest. For $20, I think it sounds worth a try and I won’t have lost much if I bounce off 10 hours in.

Now I have to think about whether I want to drop dollars on FF7 Rebirth or wait for a better sale. So many games, so little time.

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Count me in for SF6 / GG Strive sparring! I’m waiting for Mai to come out but I’d be up for some comradery by way of punching (easy mode)


Down to play GG / SF6 / Granblue / KoF / Melty Blood/ Tekken too~
There’s also a lot more carried over experience across fighting games than you’d think when just getting started. At least for 2D! Tekken has always eluded me and I feel that’s because it’s on its own big island, mechanically.


If i remember correctly there’s a SF6 demo out on steam. I’ll download that tomorrow morning to see how I like it!


I’d also be down for Strive sometime. I’ve been playing once every week or two with my best friend and having a pretty good time. I haven’t really put any serious time into a fighting game in quite a long time