Gaming Resolutions

my 2025 goals:
play through klonoa and community pom (two cute ps1 games)
write up something about video games
read through a book about video games


I just thought of mine. I want to play games online with my friends more. My tastes are more in the single player realm and while I do love games I feel I’m wasting the social aspect of them because I get so bored of playing online games so quickly. There’s a new Monster Hunter coming out so I would like to play that a lot and experience it thoroughly with friends instead of just screwing around on my own


I really really want to start organizing local silly fun fighting game tournaments that ARE NOT focused on smash ultimate

no hate to platform fighters but for real its a plague on my local scene


Easy Tier - Continue the Weekly Game Log I started last year, and finish building the standalone website for them.

Medium Tier - Finish one or more of my decades long gaming ambitions (Wizardry 6/7/8 single file playthrough, Portopia/FDS complete playthrough, reversing the great Mother 3 tragedy of '08, etc.)

Hard Tier - get my “rank all videogames I’ve ever played” project back in order, and get the software usable to a point where I can release it for others to use

Impossible Tier - “watchcast for games” podcast


For 2025, I want to complete every SaGa game I have not yet completed, which is most of them. I’ve played SaGa, SaGa Frontier, and Frontier 2. I want to get in the rest and achieve SaGa enlightenment.

I also kinda want to get good at Super Turbo. Not sure why. Just an itch lately.


My goal is basically the same as last year, which may be my new philosophy going forward: there’s a never ending amount of great games that I’ve wanted to play forever, so why feel obligated to buy and play a new thing when it’ll still be there years from now? 2024 for me was mostly backlog stuff, and the only new games I bought were indie games or more niche releases. I’m sure something will be announced that I will want to play immediately, but otherwise I have a mountain of a backlog I’m still working on.


This year I’m [original post removed] going with the flow.

  • Buy far less games than last year. Play what I already have!
  • Continue my ergonomic revolution when gaming. Be better about taking breaks, stretching, and caring for myself.
  • Finish games OR at least give them a real shot before dropping them. I have a habit of starting a game just because I want to experience something new, playing it for a little bit, and then never returning to it.
  • Year of fighting games. Play a lot more fighting games, get to locals, try to learn and practice.

I’d like to finish my Switch backlog before the Switch 2, but it currently stands at 40+ games.

I do have three weeks off work for Spring Festival, though. I reckon I can blast through a good chunk of them.


inspired by finally crossing chrono trigger off of my list, i’d like to finish more rpgs this year! i’ve done a lot of the classic “start a big jrpg and never finish it” over the years: xenoblade chronicles, skies of arcadia, dragon quest iv (it’s the only one i own), golden sun, tales of the abyss/berseria, the last story, tokyo mirage sessions… and that’s not even counting the ones i’ve bought but haven’t even touched. i’m hoping to bite through some of that crustiness this year.


Well I already failed my first resolution, because they just dropped Ninja Gaiden 2 Black.

It’s okay though. If there’s any game worth breaking a resolution for, 'tis this one.


Resolution might be a strong word for some of these but I have a few things that I would like to achieve.

Like several others, I want to (re)start writing again. I wrote a bunch of stuff a few years ago that I mostly didn’t publish, including a write-first-never-edit, in-concept review of Metroid Dread that only mentioned the game at all in the final sentence. It was entirely a first-person reflection of an afternoon stroll being inconvenienced by mundane occurrences like forgetting my wallet and having to return home, my path being blocked by roadworks, and so on.

A couple of days ago I found out that a prominent and brilliant UK games magazine writer, Jonathan Nash, passed away, and I was reminded of how much his, and his colleagues’ writing influenced my style before it was unceremoniously squashed out of me in secondary education. That is, other than a brief reprieve writing absurd sketches at university and the above-mentioned Metroid Dread bit et al.

My resolution in that sense is to revisit and revitalise a playful nonsense in my writing lest I come to hate writing for pleasure at all.

My second one is to knuckle down and get over a years-long roadblock of learning Japanese. I dropped off quite hard at the start of the pandemic after reaching a higher intermediate level, not helped by a quite severe health issue that I was experiencing at the time too. Aside from the odd bits of study here and there I’ve really become rusty and taken a step back.

My initial goal is to at least get back to where I was pre-pandemic. My secondary goal is to get more involved in a local Japanese learners Meet Up group; I’d been put off a bit after initial meets because there were some real elitist weirdos there but I understand that’s much less the case these days.

My third is to properly get back into fighting and shooting games. This, I am slowly doing having revisited Mushihimesama and dabbled in a few other shooting games, and I’d like to get back into Street Fighter 6, Guilty Gear Strive, Granblue Fantasy and dabble in a few rereleases too. This is less a resolution and more of a will to commit to something that brings me a lot of joy. This also leads into the final resolution that comes to mind, which is…

Buy fewer games.


I want to get good at a fighting game. I’ve only ever played super casually. I had one friend who used to play at local tournaments, I would win in 3rd Strike against him maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of the time. He would tell me that I’d be really good if I learned more than just what the inputs are for specials. Maybe I’ll finally see if he was right or just giving me false consolation.



my only resolution is to switch gears and play something besides pokemon. I feel the burnout approaching!


i wanna start playing a fightan regularly again

I also wanted to try and dive into indie games instead of being compelled by the increasingly hollow and cynical AAA slop cycle

I would like to get ridiculously good at tetris



1.) I have already made a a bit of a list of what I want to play this year in tandem with the Cane and Rinse Podcast announcing the games they will be covering for the year. I enjoy being a contributor to the show and this will be a push for me to get through some games I would otherwise throw on the endless back burner. It has already paid off in that I working my way through Dark Forces and Mother 1.

2.) I am working out the schematic but I hope to build a leverless Guitar Hero / Rockband - fightstick style controller by years end. This is building on my work making a DIY Twin Stick last year. Will post developments in the hacks and hardware thread.

3.) Snatcher at 30. It has been that long since I played the game to pieces on Sega CD. I almost can’t remember it anymore. Its time to revisit.

HM: There have been a couple post about making a journal of your playing habits and I cannot recommend this enough. My running tally ( of this is coming up on 5 years now and it has been super helpful as a window into my gaming / my ability to discuss games / understanding myself.


I’ve been thinking about what format to start my own blog, kind of want to avoid tumblr.

Mother 1 is great. The rebellious video game contrarian in me always wants to say Mother 1 is the best, but Mother 2 is the best. Mother 1 is so good though. Mother 3 is only good because of the parts of Mother 1 it rehashes in a Mother 2 style…



have fun. don’t take gaming so seriously. expunge the word “backlog” from your brain as quickly as possible, it’s toxic to your perception of the library you’ve built. play when you feel like it, not just because you have free time and it’s your go to filler. explore other hobbies. try new genres or ones you haven’t in a while.

so far this year my relationship with games has been rocky. i haven’t played much outside of resident evil 4 and haven’t played it again since finishing it. i’m currently going through dordogne and it feels like a good palette cleanser, but i’m stuck in that rut of feeling like “this game is ok but the next game could be THE ONE”, and that’s my final resolution: enjoy the fucking game while you’re in it. the rest can wait. if this one is fun, embrace it! and with that said, i guess i’ll go back to plugging away at archvale after dordogne, which i should have done in the first place because i had a blast when i revisited it.