Gifting my little cousins a Wii for xmas. Which games should i include?

I’d probably lean into casual games like Mario Kart Wii, Just Dance and Boom Blox. Kirby’s Epic Yarn is probably the best starter platformer on the system.

If they’re into Pokémon maybe PokePark.

Something like Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers could make for an OK start into JRPGs, it’s a step up from Elebits.

MeWii ChWiistmas


Alright, today is the day i'll set up the external HDD, give it the best cleaning i can and make sure everything works.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Particularly i feel extremely happy to introduce newer generations to video games, i hope this impacts their lives for the better, even if it turns out to be just a happy memory. What if in 18 years from now they become a part of insert credit as well? :)

Thanks to the diligent past me, the console was well kept.
There was a paper dating the last maintenance i did, which included adding missing lids, internal cleaning / replacing of thermal paste/pads and external polishing. Everything (aside from the controllers, which are DISGUSTING) was inside zipbags with sillica gel!


@“marxseny”#p145560 nice, I wrote about that exact controller in the lil Bröther controller thread, check it out! One of my personal favorites, I got it at launch and it is sort of interesting for its carryover from the prototype gamecube controller with the bean shaped b button. I played melee for the first time while using it. I found it to be more comfortable and premium.

@“Toph”#p145377 WHOOPS. It sure seems like it would have, eh?

I'm done!

The Wii is clean, packed with 90+ wii games, a bunch of gcn. Rom sets for n64, snes, genesis and master system :slight_smile:

@“marxseny”#p145637 let us know how it goes across! Interested to hear what they wind up getting into as well.

Life is funny

Here i was, getting rid of a Wii…

Went out with a few friends tonight, one of them said he had a gift to me... you'll never guess.


I got another Wii.
With a balance board.


(and pokemon/yugioh cards too)

The main reason i decided to gift that first wii was because last week i went to a wedding and another friend (from other circle of friends) said hey i have a present for you.

Yep. A Wii. A Mario Kart Bundle CIB Wii. (don't mind that i'm ragged, it was 4 AM post wedding party)
Apparently i'm a Wii dumpster and i like it

@“exodus”#p145641 A picture is worth more than a thousand words. Walked the little guy through the game list he just screamed “MARIOOOO”



He didn't need a backseat or anything. He saw gameplay on YouTube a year ago

haha. that yugimon card pickup looks really good too

@“marxseny”#p145761 that's what we like to see! let the wii dumpster gift giving continue

@“marxseny”#p145761 Extremely good thread. I’m glad the little one liked it!

All I Want For Christmas Is Wii U.