hardware showoff

@“kory”#p80351 Yeah that was a big selling point, I really liked the pale metallic pink SP I had before and this is essentially the same. The only sign of wear is a little spot next above the dpad.

Funny thing with this specific color was that at least half the listings on eBay for it were covered in princess stickers and other clear signs they had belonged to children lol. I think this pink specifically skewed younger and of course was pushed more towards girls.

But yeah GBA games are looking sick on here, I feel like real pixel pervert playing Drill Dozer. Radiant Historia also looked sooooo sharp

Just scored a 13" 1998 Trinitron for $5 (model KV-13M40)

It‘s composite only, mono and has a damn good comb filter. This is my first Trinitron so I’m super jazzed

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/bZrTHRp.jpeg]

It probably has a jungle chip so I could potentially mod it for RGB or S-Video, buuuut I may keep it the way it is for systems that need composite blending for dithered shadows or other effects (Genesis, Saturn, PS1, etc.)

that's a good game to play on it!!!

@“copySave”#p80432 COMPOSITE KINGS :crown:

Picked up a stick an buttons on sale a while back and felt inspired to make something mean, green, and heavy enough to weaponise. Laser cut plexi, 3d printed sewer cap, and adhesive foam for the bottom pad. [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/ghi9sGd.jpeg][upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/S9CvTxT.jpeg]

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/cI7Tvtt.jpeg]

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/kumGSDO.jpeg]

@“malidextrious”#p80561 That fight stick looks rad!

If anyone‘s looking for a small-but-powerful stereo on the cheap I’d recommend getting speakers and a passive subwoofer from a thrift store, and pairing them with an inexpensive 2.1 amp. This setup cost me about $35 ($10 for speakers and sub, $25 for the amp) and sounds pretty good. Subwoofer really kicks.

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/NTUJ4Dy.jpeg]

Controller for scale

This is a 2.1 amp so it has a dedicated terminal for low-pass frequencies (the green one) to drive a passive subwoofer that only has a single [+/-] input
[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/OHeKbki.jpeg]

was looking for a thread on Arcade Sticks, guess this will do. There‘s also this cool thread that everyone should be reminded of!

Anyways, I have been waiting to get or build an arcade stick for the van I live in, well, since I started living in the van! I have limited space, so I really did not want to pile on a ton of different sticks for different consoles. I want just one stick that fulfills my needs, and I want it built the way I prefer.

Because I primarily do not play 2D fighting games, I’m not here for the usual setup.

My taste in arcade hardware leans towards classic arcade games. I‘m fond of classic Nintendo and Namco cabinets. One day I will build a stick or cabinet with an enclosure like this:[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/U5rm4vt.png]

But until then, I’ll settle.

I like short sticks with ball top, haven‘t used enough sticks to know what kind of hardware I like on the inside though. Since I’m coming to this from the direction of already having tons of experience with retro hardware, even arcade hardware, just not hyper focused on sticks like fighting game bros are.

I also prefer concave buttons. those are considered american style, but pretty sure that was the style in japan too, in the 70‘s/80’s before candy cabs were a thing?

Anyways I got this HORI playstation 1 arcade stick.

  • - Short stick with ball top and the little base cover with that texture on it is exactly what I like
  • - the buttons are sticky-ish but I already know from lubricating N64 controllers and keyboards that I have the highest quality silicon lube for the job
  • - heavy, metal enclosure gives it a stable feel that is exactly what I wanted.
  • - Color scheme is great. Love the grays that match 90's consoles I'll be primarily using it for
  • - HORI is just good quality controllers
  • - I got Playstation, because I have an extensive collection of arcade ports on my PSIO, some of them are my favorites. Like Namco Museum, Makai Mura, Gradius, etc.
  • - Playstation will also be one of the easiest to adapt to any other console I want! whether by using commonly found adapters like PS->USB or with raphnet adapters, I think I will get the most out of this one!
  • - Also Akumajou Dracula X68000 is on my playstation, technically not an arcade game, but basically is, and deserves a stick.
  • Plus Hori's excellent design seems like it will make things very easy in the future if I was to use the control board for future projects:

    Again I will mainly be using this for [games with only two or even 1 button used at a time](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/502-games-that-dont-require-up-or-down), haha.
    @"bankbank"#307 will understand

    Whenever I'm looking at arcade stick stuff, I try to approach it from a (for lack of better example) donkey kong / classic arcade cabinet technician/ restoration, in order to find the info I need. Because going to any part of the internet for fighting game sticks, suddenly it's "this is optimal/objectively the best" and they can't fathom that what's best for fighting games may not be best for something that only uses one button.

    I will use this for fighting games.... just... not so competitively that I have to have it optimized for that.

    Edit: I feel dumb now, I think I need to put an octo gate on this or something. The stick doesn’t slot into UDLR, it slots into the corners too easily causing accidental diagonal inputs aka death

    Another obsessive post where I may be micromanaging about controllers

    I love my Mega Drive so much. I love the color scheme and I go to lengths to have matching controllers.

    just cleaned it and stuff

    I took the XYZ and start button from one of my saturn pads and put it into the 2.4ghz wireless one to kind of simulate what could have been a third revision of the Japanese style Mega drive controller.

    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/6ghmzDA.jpeg]

    I think the black buttons on the JP gray controller can look kind of sleek too as a result, but also, I do like to keep stuff stock aesthetically, and may put everything back to normal anyways. :man_shrugging: I feel dumb when I go overboard with non stock aesthetics, imho they designed it the way it is for a reason!

    The all black retro-bit saturn pad does look pretty slick, anyhow. I don't have a black saturn anymore but it worked out since I mainly use it for Mega Drive and PC, didn't get it to use on saturn, haha. But Maybe??

    For whatever reason, the materials in SEGA controller cables gets wayyy more stiff than any Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox or even PC Engine cables do over time, which can be kind of distracting and uncomfortable.... The cables were soft back in the day, right?? Dreamcast cables don't get so stiff either. My main exposure to genesis in the 90's was at kiosks like when I was at the orthodontist, so the cables weren't exposed at all.

    Again this retro-bit controller is really well made, even the way the buttons are keyed are the same as the original, something many replica controllers don't do, so you can switch them out with buttons from 28 year old controllers no problem. Didn't check if the Genesis 6 button controller is keyed the same, but it probably is! The buttons are shaped the exact same, but with a different, sans-seriff font compared to the saturn controllers. I am probably going to put the model 2 xyz buttons into the wireless saturn pad next. (My genesis model 2 controller is US so I pasted a blue start button on it to match, it's actually gray, lol)

    Either way, I reached MEGADRIVERS CUSTOM status a long time ago..

    I'm gonna organize my SEGA Mega Drive, Master System, Mega CD, and Game Gear ROMs by release year now......

    EDIT: 6-button genesis controller has xyz buttons that are *keyed* the exact same as Saturn but *they will not fit* because they are sized differently.
    Anyways I took my Saturn controllers all back to stock. Haha. I had fun playing with my toys.

    MiSTer is so freakin' cool. If anyone wants more info check out the thread


    @“copySave”#p56550 This is an awesome execution combining the past and present. The memories of opening a fresh box of full of video game and powering up the first time are times I still think back on with heartfelt longing , and passing this onto the next generation is a fantastic idea.

    @“copySave”#p56550 that’s awesome dude. Something Nintendo would have done in an alternate timeline where offline individual NES games had more demand, like a sequel to E-Reader cards using their amiibo tech.

    @“malidextrious”#p82830 @“treefroggy”#p82843 Thanks! Based on how he‘s developed so far, I’ll probably have to wait until he‘s closer to 3.5 years (next June) before he’s a ready to engage with it, but I‘ve been spending the time still working on a curated list of titles. There are so many great games I missed out on when I was a kid that we’ll be able to play together.

    I did find it very funny that the Amico was doing a similar NFC card "physical" game system, except theirs requires you to be connected to the internet to register the card UID and get the game. Mine's just a script that pairs a UID to a rom sitting on the SD card.

    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/a3ZxM7m.jpeg]

    My packaging is not as fancy but there is no DRM and, you know, it'll play some of the greatest games ever made. Been planning on a varied package scale for releases depending on the game. Smaller games will get a little paper envelope with stickers while more complicated games will have a box, manual, and maybe a map, mini-guide, or character primer/artbook. I'm also considering doing my own little Nintendo Power style digital magazine so he can pick what he wants next or get excited about "new" stuff. It's all years away but very fun to consider :)

    Little desk CRT VCR combo in full effect[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/cnpxBfx.jpeg]

    It's been years since this has happened to me but I actually walked by some curbed video game hardware today.

    A bin full of odds and ends, mostly cables. A set of PS composite cables. Two Amiga joysticks that I totally passed up because come on, the Amiga?* Anyway, scored a grimy indigo Gamecube controller and this hot as shit Gameshark-brand memory card:

    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/uCoPaQ7.jpeg]
    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/obFELdp.jpeg]

    I would never have spent money for something like this, but because I found it it is my treasure. I was in the market for a 1019 card too.

    It's already got like 300 blocks of saves on it, for such games as ***The Urbz**!!!*

    *[size=10]after a little research I discovered the sticks were a [WICO "The Boss"](https://videogamegeek.com/videogamehardware/196923/wico-boss) and an [Amiga Power Stick](https://www.amigalove.com/viewtopic.php?t=649&p=3756)[/size]

    I got two Gamecube controllers this year for FREE. I now own FOUR total.

    The pandemic is officially OVER.

    I imported a New Astro City from Japan in late February and spent an excruciating amount of time restoring it in my Brooklyn apartment.

    It's hard to tell from the photos, but the paint was flaking off and showing the black fiberglass underneath, lots of oxidation on the metal parts and a CRT in dire need of a recap/recalibration. I feel like I have a restored classic car in my living room now.

    Freshly delivered, prior to an extremely nervous/hurried disassembly to get it into my apt:

    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/FS0cqSH.jpeg]

    I didn't take a lot of sanding/painting pics, it was such an intense process:
    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/W8YJeCq.jpeg]

    Before/after of the CRT:
    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/u2RYQxl.jpeg]

    My and my new son:
    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/6MsCIYd.jpeg]

    @“vmu_beep”#p86840 Heck yeah. First image is like just perfect NYC vibes


    lol 100%

    :white_check_mark: Garbage

    :white_check_mark: Graffiti

    :white_check_mark: Stoops

    :white_check_mark: Scaffolding

    @“vmu_beep”#p86840 yeehaw! That calibration before/after is really something.