@“mindleftbody”#p101243 I’d be interested! Brillant job.
@“mindleftbody”#p101271 Thanks! I’ll make sure to share it along to my friends who may have a F500 Elite lying around.
[/COLOR] ↴
[[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/1vE0df1.png]](https://www.sfbags.com/pages/limited-edition#active-projects-image-with-text-section)
[Waterfield](https://www.sfbags.com/) appear to be planning a re-release of the cityslicker for last gen handhelds **this September.** Mark your calendars, all who missed the boat the last couple times they did this!
@"sabertoothalex"#360 I had a feeling you were in the market for one for your n3DS?
@“treefroggy”#p111371 love those caps, they remind me of the citrus/fruit sets in all the AC games…my fav
This might be more suited for the hacks thread, but I figured I would continue my tradition of showing off mods over here. I recently installed an AVE-HDMI kit from Electron Shepherd in one of my Wiis and it was a really fun project! This was my first time installing a flex PCB quite like this, and I have to say Voultar's video about the process helped immensely. I'll cut to the chase and show the finished product, sporting a slick transparent red case I got off eBay and running Metroid Prime in lovely 480p:
Here's a shot of the underside of the Wii mainboard with the kit installed:
The trickiest part (other than dealing with the 800 screws of 36 different varieties that are inexplicably necessary to hold this tiny console together) is interfacing the main flex PCB of the kit with a small cluster of vias, each of which needs to be carefully stripped of solder mask (thanks @antillese ) and tinned:~~resist~~
The appropriate side of the flex PCB (two different clusters of connections are present, one for each revision of the mainboard) then needs to be carefully aligned over the vias and secured in place with little dollops of solder. I was pretty pleased with how these came out, just had to make sure I used generous flux (paste actually worked better for me here than the no-clean fluid):
The other tricky part was creating a little opening in the case for the Mini-HDMI port. I like to avoid destructive mods on original cases, so this was part of the reason I opted for the aftermarket one. I couldn't find a file, so I had to improvise...but I think I...uh....nailed it:
Other than dealing with aspect ratio weirdness that seems inherent to the Wii, the output looks quite nice, plus audio is also routed through the HDMI port. My next step is going to be hacking it to get the homebrew channel on there, which I've never done before. Seems straightforward enough, though! Mostly, I want to finally play Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth...
@“connrrr”#p102884 Waterfield update: I have it on good authority (I emailed them about it) that they will also be putting out cityslickers for DSes and PSPs this September!
@“connrrr”#p116532 I don't need a specific game case, but… these are really nice bags. And I really like nice bags.
@“antillese”#p116534 I got my first nice bag from Tom Bihn six and a half years ago and it changed my life. I still use it a few times every week.
I got one of those for my Pocket and it’s just superb. This older handhelds lineup gonna kill me
@“sabertoothalex”#p116543 it sounds like they've fallen into doing this every year around the same time because of the demand:
It has become a bit of a yearly thing. Originally we just re-issued some of our older gaming cases, but they always attracted a lot of attention, so we decided to do it again.
@“connrrr”#p116541 Fifteen years ago I received a ballistic nylon Timbuk2 messenger bag from my wife as a a wedding gift and I still have them both!
When I was a kid, I had a launch 1996 N64. Eventually I ended up getting a Smoke Grey controller that I used for everything. Around 2004, someone stole it from me at a sleepover.
Anyways, it was one of the last things I‘d yet to reacquire, and post-2020, them suckas got expensive. I’ve had a fair amount of income recently, so I ordered one, and I was surprised to find one in extremely excellent condition all around for only $68, which is reasonable by today‘s standard asking price of like ninety nine bucks. The cable wasn’t even improperly wrapped, so it's like new!
@“robinhoodie”#p116605 you had to do it to me
@“treefroggy”#p116689 I was so conflicted as to whether I should flex or not! But I also felt like where else am I going to showcase this monument to my foolishness.
Scored a free 27" Zenith CRT from 1994. RF only ‘cause that’s all you need.
Pics are from a MiSTer over composite plugged into a Mitsubishi VCR I got for $6, then RF over coax cable to TV.
moral of the story, get any CRT and VCR you can find - even if it's RF only.
@“copySave”#p122257 Scored a free 27″ Zenith CRT from 1994. RF only ’cause that’s all you need.
> Pics are from a MiSTer over composite plugged into a Mitsubishi VCR I got for $6, then RF over coax cable to TV.
you are doing it right my friend. looks awesome, probably amazing in person. can't imagine how awesome a completely clean digital image blended through composite *and* VCR RF would look like. Also-- VCR is pretty much the only way to demodulate RF..... that's basically their ultimate purpose in a world without VHS tapes. (you already know all this)
but wait
why isn't the dithering on those bushes working
@“treefroggy”#p122263 I think it's just that bush since the dithering pattern is pretty sparse. Here is a picture of a real Genesis Model 1 composite > VCR RF > TV RF for comparison:
hardware with room lights on
room lights off
pretty close but the MiSTer has more vibrant colors probably due to the clean digital to analog source signal. FYI the MiSTer shot does have the composite blend turned on, otherwise you get giant rainbow streaks with the MiSTerAddons YC board (or even your own custom cable).