hardware showoff

got this boy for christmas. not quite as transparent as the official website pics might lead you to believe, but still a beauty.


I just found this grody DualShock 3 on the buy-nothing bench in my building’s laundry room. How tf do people let their hardware get this disgusting?

Anyway I now have 4 DS3s.

Update: currently enjoying an Efferdent bath.


A few close friends I grew up with all had controllers equal or worse to this in quality, always. Each one had it’s own quirk you’d have to adjust to; sticky buttons, poorly responsive buttons, cracks, completely worn down analog rubber (something I didn’t know was possible before then), tilted analog sticks, general coats of film/grease…

Playing videogames at your friend’s house with a jacked up controller is like playing basketball outdoors on a windy day at a court with double rims. Barely enjoyable.

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