Here we are again: the thread where we discuss the games we are playing in 2024

dictionary definition of a degenerate is a person of low moral character it’s pretty easy to see where a homophobic tone could have developed

it’s one of those reclaimed slur type deals I think

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I think much like based it has been appropriated by users on 4chan who believe stock words and phrases are a sufficient replacement for thought and who of course always look for new language they can use to express and advance their hateful outlook—all to say I have also heard it used to refer to groups of people they believe are “threatening Western civilization,” which is probably what your radar has picked up on, as far as it’s come into gamer usage online. :(


It was used a lot by the Nazis. “Degenerate art” and so on.


i was using it to describe the part of myself that likes idle and dopamine gambling games. “degenerate gambler” is the phrase that most comes to mind.


Yeah, there definitely are fascist links.


I did another playthrough and a half of Sid Meier’s Pirates! Since it was a new install, I did the initial one on the easiest mode and basically plowed through that game. The game gives maps out like candy, and I was able to basically complete the game without once dividing the plunder (a long-rest mechanic where six months pass and you get a fresh crew).

Then I did a second playthrough on the hardest mode (1600, which has fewer towns and is much more Spanish), where I’ve been doing OK. The one thing that is too difficult for me is fencing Marquis Montalban. I have Fencing as my key skill and he’s still mopping the floor with me. I just found the Perfectly Balanced Swords, so hopefully I can eke out a victory against him soon.

I am still playing Metaphor ReFantazio. 25 hours in, I’m currently in early August and doing the side content before the next major plot point. Still enjoying it and have less to say than I thought. One character’s con name is Cuculus, Latin for cuckoo (and cuckold, which derives from the behavior of the cuckoo laying eggs in other birds’ nests). Much like with More referring to the author of Utopia, I’m waiting to see if this information has any payoff.

Re: degenerate, it’s a word I personally avoid. It may have valid uses, but (etymological fallacy incoming) the word comes from a Latin verb (degenero, -are) which in turn comes from the adjective degener, -is: of inferior stock, or inferior to one’s predecessors. (Genus, which that comes from, can refer to species or race.) So, in my head, the racial implications - not living up to your blood, your race - are unavoidable. I also think that history is a reason why the word was appropriated in the 19th and 20th centuries by racialists to refer to behaviors as immoral: the underlying accusation in that context is one of being a traitor to one’s race.


well in that case hell yeah i’m a degenerate


here i am thinking degenerate meant horny on main


Internet slang is rich, faceted and multi-layered and so it does mean that, too…

I did not know that “degenerate art” is the translation of “Entartete Kunst”. Definitely makes me want to not use that word anymore.


the word appears to have a complex and convoluted lineage but we can all agree that MoH was purposefully using it in the most offensive possible way


speaking of degenerate, i started dragon quest 11 which i’m sure in some way fits one of the definitions of this multifaceted word. or not. but i did start it!


Dragon Ruins is a Good Game! My brief thoughts on it are that it’s very doable in a single sitting after work, especially if you’re tired - my completion time is an exact 3.0 hours.

I like that your party has some semblance of choice at the start and that customisation doesn’t go much further than prioritising which members of your party are made stronger first (you need to return to base if I remember rightly).

Combat comes down to entering a room and deciding in real time whether you think you can survive a battle. These start automatically when you explore rooms and there’s no input into their flow other than whether you want to run away. I like it as the game has a greater focus on exploration over combat and battles. The added bonus is that most enemies don’t respawn so you’re free to explore, heal at base, and explore a little further away without worrying about cornering yourself.

It’s not the most involved game but it’s a perfect game for when you’re lying up to your face under a tonne of blankets and don’t want to move for a few hours.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nomenclature You Don’t Like

A post was merged into an existing topic: Nomenclature You Don’t Like

I couldn’t get the whole discussion of “degenerate” moved because it was impossible to decouple from talk about the games we are playing in 2024, but the rest I moved to Nomenclature You Don’t Like. In the future please consider the poor mods and talk about “skibidi toilet” and “Radagon of the Golden Order” in separate, more-easily-migrated posts. Thank you.


Geez, I’ll try, but you’re asking a lot.


well now it’s playable and it looks + runs pretty nice, but there are a few lingering launch issues. For example: I’ve been cruising through PPL licensing with a down jacket T shirt combo attached to the windshield


free froggy chair from the recycling bin. blessings.


got to do a couple of short flights in Career Mode. It’s neat but wacky. Chose 05C Griffith-Merrillville Airport as my home base. The game restricts you to smaller airfields at the outset, which makes sense of course but leads to some amusing procedurally generated missions. My first gig out of flight school was taking Scott Dunbar and his grandson on a flightseeing tour of Sauk Village, Illinois (nice views of their beloved region)

hello Scott Dunbar + grandson

For anyone unfamiliar with suburban Cook County, this is actually how people talk there

Got an A-rank flight instead of S-rank because the dang game gave me a taxi waypoint more than 4,700 miles away. So I just parked it on the tarmac 200 yards away what else was I supposed to do. Not fair!

Game needed some more time in the oven but I do find this kind of stuff pretty funny


Nice to see you back in the air!