I‘m gonna be streaming a playthrough of the game I directed/wrote/made music for, along with some of my friends who also worked on it. We’re going to talk about the process of developing it, showing off some unused concept stuff, and answering questions from the chat. Starts at 1:30 EST, or about half an hour. If that sounds interesting I'd love for you to stop by!
Here's a controversial opinion: streaming for or watching the stream of just your buddies rules???
What if we had a Sunday Casual Stream Club where anyone could stream themselves playing anything (not necessarily all three of us playing the same game like we did today lol) and we can take turns being the one streaming
Last Sunday @"RubySunrise"#864 made the incredible decision to stream her first time (EVER) playing **GOD HAND** for our [little streaming discord server (which you can join by clicking on this)](https://discord.gg/G6fjBGPg) that @"antillese"#59 set up.
It was such a fucking cool thing of her to do that it inspired both @"captain"#258 and I to also stream some **GOD HAND.** And I had such a fun day because of it that it made me think that making it a bit of a ```~thing~``` would be fun.
I speak for no one but myself when I say this, but I would like to propose at least a very informal structure, or ethos, if you will. Assume none of this is set in stone.
### _#ICStreamcadeSunday_
##### - If you are so fortunate as for it to be Time To Game, and it also happens to be Sunday where you live, take a little peek into @"antillese"#59's [discord server](https://discord.gg/G6fjBGPg) (don't be shy)
##### - If you see a stream is live, come on in and hang out!!
##### - However, if you do NOT see a stream live, even if there isn't anyone in there, just start streamin' buddy!! Go for it!!! Discord makes it easy, trust me! It's first come first served!
##### - Take a moment to bump this thread and tell people you're streaming!! (btw @"antillese"#p99907 pin a link to this thread in the server (or the other thread if I make this its own post))
##### - Stream whatever you like!
##### - Well, ok, more like, stream anything you like assuming someone's kids might see it (you filthy animal)
##### - Hang out in voice, or don't!
##### - Hang out in chat, or don't!
##### - Make sure you are at least sort of aware of one or the other though, because...
##### - ...if you're watching a stream that has been going for uuuuh idk, around an hour? But you want to stream something, let whoever is currently streaming know that you want to stream something next.
##### - Remember how people used to put quarters somewhere visible on the front of an arcade machine to say that they want to go on the machine next? _Kids do you remember that???_ Anyway it's basically like that but for who's going to be up next on the stream
##### - Only one quarter at a time, and it's still first come first served (don't be shy now)
##### - Maybe we can use some kind funny emote or picture in chat to be the _#ICStreamcadeSunday_ quarter on the face of the streamcade
##### - If someone has put up the streamquarter, reach a satisfying conclusion with what you're doing, and let them take over the stream!
##### - _Lather_
##### - _Rinse_
##### - _Repeat_
##### - Let's also assume that if you have a limited window of time to stream something but you really wanna give the server a heads up and we can all be adults and make sure someone else isn't starting something new shortly before that