Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

What‘s Treasure doin’

when did “programmers” become “coders”?

@“Syzygy”#p89168 Executor!

Or as Arc System Works would say, Exector. Hmm no good scan on the Internet but here it is.

[upl-image-preview url=]

of all the smash bros, which is the “smash bros”-iest? which is the smashiest?

@“rootfifthoctave”#p89700 I‘m going to say Mario, because he sure loves swingin’ a giant hammer when he‘s dealing with Donkey Kong. He’s also a “wrecking crew”.

Sakurai is the smashiest bro

the idea of “smash brosiest” came to me when i saw the sega logo and the nintendo logo one after the other in the Bayonetta 2 intro cutscene. granted, IPs crossing corporate borders wasn‘t a smash bros thing until Brawl, but these days i feel like that is what the series is known for. "that’s the series with all the characters from all the companies in it."

What is the “Did you know SMB2 is actually a reskin of Doki Doki Panic?” of not video games?


@“kory”#p89778 What is the “Did you know SMB2 is actually a reskin of Doki Doki Panic?” of not video games?

Did you know _The Magnificent Seven_ is actually a reskin of _Seven Samurai?_


[img height=70][/img]
[color=gold]_~"Bury me with my posts"~_[color=black] - **Tastefully yours, Gaagaagiins of the Abyss <3**

@“Gaagaagiins”#p89780 Good answer, good answer! [applause]


@“kory”#p89785 Good answer, good answer! [applause]

Unfortunately I did not fully think through the connotations of calling a movie replacing a bunch of Japanese people with a bunch of white people a _reskin,_ so I'm less impressed with myself in retrospect


[color=gold]_~"Bury me with my posts"~_[color=black] - **Distastefully yours, Gaagaagiins of the Abyss <3**

@“Gaagaagiins”#p89786 Inadvertently potentially problematic answer, inadvertently potentially problematic answer! [ominous murmuring]

@“Gaagaagiins”#p89786 Sorry Gaagaagiins of the Abyss, you're getting buried with your posts!

@“captain”#p89791 alas, that seal of approval just doesn’t mean what it used to

Goddamnit, where's that ominous murmuring coming from this time??


[img height=70][/img]
[color=gold]_~"Bury me with my posts"~_[color=black] - **Tastefully yours, Gaagaagiins of the Abyss <3**

Doki Doki Panic : SMB2US :: Super Sentai : Power Rangers ?


@“kory”#p89792 alas, that seal of approval just doesn’t mean what it used to

After careful consideration we here at Gaagaagiins Worker's Owned Co-operative have made the difficult decision to rescind the Official Gaagaagiins Seal of Approval (CC) from [that post.]( Thank you for your commitment to our quality products.


[img height=70][/img]
[color=gold]_~"Bury me with my posts"~_[color=black] - **Tastefully yours, Gaagaagiins of the Abyss <3**

What's the best use of public domain in games?

(It's gotta be castlevania right?)

how come scooby doo is still around?