Insert Credit Gaiden #8 - Even More GDC 2024, with Liz Ryerson, Ty Underwood, Brandon Sheffield, and Frank Cifald

Insert Credit Gaiden #8 - Even More GDC 2024, with Liz Ryerson, Ty Underwood, Brandon Sheffield, and Frank Cifald

Liz Ryerson and Ty Underwood return to convey the physicalities and vibes of the GDC 2024 Expo Hall, while Brandon and Frank do their best to push preservation. Plus, Liz gives a definitive answer as to whether you should go to GDC. Hosted by Liz Ryerson, Ty Underwood, Brandon Sheffield and Frank Cifaldi. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.


  1. Liz and Ty scour the Expo Hall (00:33)
  2. Frank and Brandon cover history at the (36:14)
  3. Liz plays The Deja Vu Game with Evan Balster (51:31)
  4. Liz helps Robert Yang with a dilemma (01:00:24)
  5. Answers to “Is it worth going to GDC?” and/or “Should I go to GDC?” by Liz Ryerson (01:06:26)

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I used to work with Vicon motion capture stuff in the early 2000s. Every GDC I walk past their booth to see what’s new in that world. I missed it this year so I appreciated the info about Shogun now having retargeting.


Yay, Liz episode! Loved the hair or spit segment.

Also, Frank and Brandon IRL recording… it’s been a while!


the next time i get deja vu, i will absolutely keep the deja vu game in mind


Always love a Gaiden - a different perspective on something is great to hear. Thanks for sharing (and @esper for editing!)

I’m way to curious about how Frank marked his territory there and does this mean GDC is now his? And is there any chance we could see more photos of the Game History Gallery? The thumbnail is a tease of what sounds like an amazing part of history which would be great to see for those who couldn’t get there. Or who don’t like the smell of pee…


I had no idea Laurie Anderson made a video game!!! I’m a big fan. We had a VHS tape of Home of the Brave (might have been recorded off of the TV). I remember putting it on randomly once as a teenager and being totally blown away, never seeing anything quite like it. I need to figure out how to get my hands on this CD Rom!

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the deja vu game was truly an existential terror to unearth from Evan in the moment at like 12am at the indie hostel lounge at GDC and i’m glad i had a venue to inflict it upon the world so it doesn’t have to just haunt me alone. lol