Insert Credit Gaiden #9 - Flapjacks and Threena

Insert Credit Gaiden #9 - Flapjacks and Threena

While our panel is scattered, enjoy a Bonus Credit-style arrangement of good conversation among brilliant friends. Featuring Frank’s SDCC misadventures, Brandon’s X-Men 97 opinions, and Tim’s pitch for the Bioshock movie. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.


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Horrifying Knowledge Regarding the Flapjack (00:54)

Brandon summons Frank specifically to inform him of another appalling revelation regarding the insidious British.

Ep. 348: Pre-show (07:12)

Frank is going to a cereal panel at San Diego Comic Con. Jaffe got a job as the official Question Answerer in the DC Comics Official Discord Server, and got Cool Gel Foam Headphone Pads. Tim demonstrates his lowly stature with his blown-out headphones, as a visual gag.

Ep. 348: Extended break (11:20)

Mimsy has excellent comic timing. Brandon needs a haircut. Frank would listen to some nerds talk about there being too much Star Trek, but is avoiding the Browncoat Meeting Room. Jaffe wonders what a Firefly fan is even like in 2024. Jim Henson is back now. We don’t know if Nurse Nancy can revive people from the dead.

Ep. 349: Pre-show (14:17)

Special guest Simon Parkin lives very close to The Repair Shop. Brandon enjoys the names of cities that are near rivers. Tim wishes he had a room.

Ep. 349: Extended break (17:11)

Tim believes the Dreamcast 2’s slogan should be “” and invents a future Lightning Round in the process. Brief dog talk!

Ep. 349: Post-show (19:03)

Tim finds the perfect video game for Queen Elizabeth. Brandon thinks her tiktok channel would be pretty interesting.

Ep. 350: Pre-show (20:24)

Frank shows off a few of his purchases from his time at San Diego Comic Con, and shares a story about being behind enemy lines. Brandon briefly reviews X-Men 97. Funko fans are very special, and get it. Tim shares something with the panel but not with you, and has a very meticulous reason for it.

Ep. 351: Pre-show (32:16)

Brandon and Jaffe improvise some Seinfeld theme music. Tim’s dog smells unpleasant at time of recording. Frank shares his recommendation. Brandon shares one last Snake Break observation.

Ep. 352: Pre-show (35:59)

Tim wanted to talk about a few more Street Fighter games during the recent episode ranking them. Brandon always ends up making the same person when presented with a character creator. Tim shares what he considers the only way to do it, regarding character creators.

Ep. 352: Extended break (38:50)

Movie talk! Jack Black is in a bunch of video game movies. Frank is not eating pisketty. Brandon ponders the future of seafood. Tim gives his pitch for a Bioshock movie.

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Always nice to hear a Gaiden episode - thanks @esper and all for doing that!


The Wikipedia length lightning round was a good one, so it’s nice to hear how that idea came up.

I don’t want to spoil future lightning rounds, but for non-video game comparisons, here are all the Star Trek series in order of most to least word count (article only). My biggest surprise is seeing Enterprise edge out Deep Space Nine.

  • The Original Series: 11330 words
  • The Next Generation: 9757 words
  • Discovery: 8279 words
  • Enterprise: 8120 words
  • Deep Space Nine: 7723 words
  • Franchise page: 6500 words
  • Picard: 5965 words
  • Voyager: 5079 words
  • Strange New Worlds: 4836 words
  • The Animated Series: 4409 words
  • Lower Decks: 4129 words
  • Prodigy: 3465 words

I’ll leave the films as an exercise for the readers.


Looking forward to @exodus ’s apology corner next week when he finds out about the guy from The Repair Shop.

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Ah jeez, which one?

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the one that does zero of the repairing!

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Just want to say eff Spectrum


those remarks about funkopops could really hurt someone’s feelings hypothetically speaking




Fun maker Mike?


I figured it was him! He certainly was the ignorable and generally annoying part of the show. They should just get a new host!

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Anticipating an influx of new forum users after this description of Flapjack-gate goes viral.


i refuse to defend firefly in any capacity, but i’m pretty sure that show did not have a muppet of any kind, and i’m curious as to what brandon is mixing it up with


I am mixing it up with farscape!


That sudden Funko Pop story was unreal, hahaha!

Tom’s now (in)famous Flapjack not pancake recipe

As my controversal usage of flapjack caused such an outcry it needed a conversation between some of the panelists, I thought it best after them both saying they’d “try” them to share how I make them. The recipe ingredients and oven temperature are metric measurements, but I will include US imperial conversations in parenthesis along side.

Here’s the ingredients:

rolled oats
brown sugar
Golden Syrup

Pre heat your oven to 180°C (1,000,000,000°F)

Add 300 grams (some ounces) of oats and put them into a bowl (roundy mixy thingy) with 150 grams (less ounces) of brown sugar. Put 150 grams (same less ounces) of butter into a small bowl (smaller roundy mixy thingy) and melt in a microwave (ding ding ding machine) until liquid form. Add to the dry ingredients and mix with whatever spoon won’t damage your bowl. I use a wooden one, but you do you. Then add two tablespoons (slightly more, as for some reason your table spoons are smaller than others - but not the tables) of Golden Syrup and continue to combined the ingredients until you have this.

You can replace Golden Syrup with either Maple Syrup or honey at the same ratio (one tablespoon for more than one tablespoon). I don’t do either because I have Golden Syrup, even at an insanely high price. Yay Brexit!

Place the contents into a 20x20 cm ( baking tin or oven proof dish, either lining it with baking paper or more wonderful butter. I do papier sulfurisé but that’s because I’m on a diet and don’t want to add more butter. Try to flatten them down, not so they’re compacted but even. Then place in the oven for 20 (20) minutes or until they look as beautiful as these.

Now wait till they have cooled down before cutting them. I cut them into 16 pieces, which means I eat probably four in one sitting but lie to myself I am being healthy. Then enjoy! I’d not recommending dunking them into anything as they would fall apart in pretty much any liquid. But again, you do you - you made them so do whatever you want with them. Learn to juggle with them, teach them the works of Shakespeare, place them on your wall as a piece of art. I combined both the art and eating and put them in a nice tin.

I’d have written this on the day the podcast came out but I had and still have the flu, plus was looking after a housefull of people with the flu as well. Now I’m just looking after me, and all you wonderful people who needed to try these. And I got my wife to listen to the podcast too, well the first bit. She laughed a lot, which is a good sign. I am now known at home as “a British person”.

Tune in again for the next fun installment of Cooking with Tom because he says something without realising that because it is has a different name the actual level of controversy it would cause.

We’re doing bacon!

Edit - I realised a 20 dish is too small. So I changed the size to 20x20 cm. I’m not looking it up in inches on principle.


I will confess I enjoyed Firefly greatly, but I’m glad it wasn’t continued, because Serenity (the movie) probably showed where Whedon was headed with it, and I didn’t like that at all. Which means the show was nipped in the bud at just the right time. I can appreciate it for what it was without having to worry about what it might have become.


I cannot believe the flapjack thing made the podcast. Feels like I witnessed history…