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@“connrrr”#502 @“kyleprocrastinations”#1524 Thanks to you, I ended up acquiring all three masks >!(plus the Fierce Deity Mask)!< and finishing the game after just a month short of a two year hiatus.

>!I didn't realize how many masks were tied to the Anju and Kafei storyline. That thief, Sakon, really makes an impact — I love all of the different lives intertwining and the butterfly effect that plays out over three days. I tried getting all three in one go, but took a few attempts to realize that if I prevented Sakon's theft on Day 1, Kafei wouldn't spot him coming into the curiosity shop to sell the bomb bags on Day 2, and tail him to his hideout on Day 3. It was very satisfying to unravel.!<

Thanks again for the help — Here's another little cow buddy for you!

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