Insert Credit Helpline

my first thought is to use a “binding screw” to secure it without having to drill anything

I'm trying to secure it to the seat primarily.

@"yeso"#p138406 that looks like it could work if there isn't enough material left to hold onto the threads of a new screw, which is what I'm worried about.

@“the rocky connrrr picture show”#p138413 might work if you use washers if the screw heads aren't wide enough themselves

Could you post a pic of the other side with the vintage screw so we can see what how it looks?


@“the rocky connrrr picture show”#p138403 Depending on the size, a “nutsert” (or “rivnut”) may do the job for you. Basically it is a metal sheath with a thread on the inside. You would insert and secure that in the hole, and then you can thread a bolt or a screw or whatever inside it.

is screw on the R hand side secured to the underside of the seat with a nut?

@“yeso”#p138422 nope, I don't think it reaches the other side of the wood.

I‘m playing Ihatov Monogatari and for the first time I encountered a puzzle (?) that I can’t figure out

I'm supposed to get a tin plate clock for Ozbel, the rich collector of rare journals.

||The Cairo Brigade leader said that he'd give me the one hanging outside of his store, but I don't actually see one anywhere? I've searched every square nearby, but was unable to find anything.||

Photo for reference:



How does one get into Guilty Gear Strive while having minimum fighting game experience? (I can barely do a haduoken)

@“穴”#p146638 Asking from the perspective of “tried, but it didn't stick” or “haven't touched it”? In the latter case I would say don‘t worry, as it includes a pretty thorough tutorial which teaches you not only a huge number of techniques you’ll want to use but, more importantly, when it‘s appropriate to use them. It’s tough to play a million tutorials in a row and try to hold all that info in your head, so I would say play as many of those as you can stand, then start a Training or even Versus match and try to focus only on what the tutorial has explicitly explained (though feel free to mess around with other inputs too). When you feel ready, go back for more tutorials.

If you are not being dramatically self-deprecating and really do have trouble doing a hadouken: what controller do you want to play Strive with? On the other hand: I am not super familiar with even most of its characters but some of the ones I've played around with don't rely a whole lot on quarter-circle inputs for special moves, in case that possibility worries you.


@“captain”#p146647 If you are not being dramatically self-deprecating and really do have trouble doing a hadouken: what controller do you want to play Strive with? I am not super familiar with even most of its characters but some of the ones I’ve played around with don’t rely a whole lot on quarter-circle inputs for special moves, in case that worries you

I plan to play it with an arcade stick cause I already have one (thanks @"antillese"#59). I wasn't being that self deprecating it was more something like "if you ask me to perform a hadouken right now right now I will have to look it up and practice for minute before I can pull it consistently"

In that case don't worry, the tutorial should have you covered. The menus are also pretty streamlined and easy to navigate (unlike Street Fighter 6), so the barrier between you and learning the ropes is comfortably low.

Pick whichever character looks the most appealing and happy gear-ing!

(Also, if you _can_ perform the hadouken input with ease (down, down-forward, forward + Button), it is a common enough input as to be worth practicing/memorizing!)

@“穴”#p146638 Excited for you!! There's a bit of legwork to do with fighting games, but this video breaks it down nicely:

Like captain said, definitely play the tutorial, but expect that you will forget most of it. It's a lot! Luckily you don't have to worry about most of that stuff for a while anyway. For now, I'd probably focus on learning to hit those fireball/quarter-circle motions consistently.

Oh, and here's another video I found helpful when I switched to arcade stick a few years ago:

Decided to jump back into a nearly completed Majora's Mask save from 2022. I‘m three masks short of having them all, but I’m a little stumped on >!How to get the Keaton Mask from Kafei!< and >!how to acquire the All-Night Mask from the Curiosity Shop.!< Any tips?


I'm not sure what this last mask is — So, I may poke around to get an idea of which one. Is there a good spot in-game to go for hints? I've just been checking in with Gossip Stones.

@“safety_lite”#p154366 you get both masks (Keaton and All-Night) from the Curiosity Shop guy.

Further hint for Keaton Mask: go to >!Kafei's place!< when >!I think he heads out to break into Sakon's hideout, the pawn shop owner will be milling around inside his apartment!<.


@“safety_lite”#p154366 I’m not sure what this last mask is

The last one you didn't mention is the ||postman's hat.|| You get it in the same quest line as Keaton's, but a little further along. Best advice for that is just follow the postman on his route. All night is tricky because ||you have to stop the thief from stealing the old lady's bag. Otherwise the mask won't be in the shop.||

Edited: sorry I put a spoiler tag in case you want to figure it out

@“connrrr”#502 @“kyleprocrastinations”#1524 Thank you both for the guidance! As thanks here is a little cow bobble head and my favorite NPC.

[URL=][IMG width=500][/IMG][/URL]

I think I've got these three figured out — I was able to >!make the All-Night Mask appear in the curiosity shop on Day 3, but it's 500 Rupees and I'm capped at 200, any tips on how I can get some bigger pockets?!<

@“safety_lite”#p154376 have you been to the Great Bay spider house yet?

@“safety_lite”#p154376 I‘m happy to help! Believe it or not, keeping track of those little cows will help you with something once you’ve gotten the Keaton mask.

@“connrrr”#502 @“kyleprocrastinations”#1524 Thanks to you, I ended up acquiring all three masks >!(plus the Fierce Deity Mask)!< and finishing the game after just a month short of a two year hiatus.

>!I didn't realize how many masks were tied to the Anju and Kafei storyline. That thief, Sakon, really makes an impact — I love all of the different lives intertwining and the butterfly effect that plays out over three days. I tried getting all three in one go, but took a few attempts to realize that if I prevented Sakon's theft on Day 1, Kafei wouldn't spot him coming into the curiosity shop to sell the bomb bags on Day 2, and tail him to his hideout on Day 3. It was very satisfying to unravel.!<

Thanks again for the help — Here's another little cow buddy for you!

[URL=][IMG width=500][/IMG][/URL]

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