So…. doing that spreadsheet curve math way was total pain. Turned out what I really want is having sliders to slide things around. I have no idea how to make one or find one so I gave up…. until…. I Binged it.
I asked it to make a webpage that does it and it sure did it. It's depairingly spooky shocking amazing. It took me few hours but could've been way faster if I knew what to ask precisely with design doc. It also chokes with more complex inputs in one go, code getting longer, and longer the steps go. Took me several redos to get to this. Had to stitch several runs together in notepad. It's interesting that there are several AI agents that answer differently. Some code right away and some don't.
Here is somewhat condensed input from me.
create website with sliders going from 0 to 255. make sliders 512 pixels wide. have input to import text file. make number of sliders base on rows in input file. set slider value to numbers on each row of input file, ignore empty rows in input file. display slider value on right side of sliders. label each sliders with numbers starting from 0 on left side of siders. make export button to output slider values to text file.
on right side of sliders, make rectangles 100px wide with rgb color using value of sliders. use same number for r g b.
change background color to #363330. change font to sanserif and white color. change title to “Curve Adjust”. add header “Curve Adjust” with color #4d8073.
change slider label numbers on left of sliders monospace font, right justified. change slider value numbers on right of sliders mono font, change color to yellow, right justified. on right of slider label numbers and left of sliders, add number using numbers on each row of input file, light blue color, monospace font, right justified.
add line chart using slider values as y axis and row number slider label numbers as x axis, make line yellow. dark gray border on chart. add 25% gray linear line from 0,0 to 255,255 to chart.
keep chart floating on right side even when scrolling page.