Insert Credit Helpline

ok, you're lucky I was bored. I got:

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    </s>y = 42 sin(1/40.5x) + x<e> if you are using radians.

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    `y = 42 sin(1.42x) + x` if you are using degrees.

  • [[link to graph](] in the spanner menu you can change if you're using DEG or RAD. I think you can also can convert the formulas into tables in the setting menu on the left too.

    @“beets”#p98370 Wow cool thanks! The problem now is I'm too dumb to figure out how to output the values in integer plain text…… I also have no idea how to control the low bum and high bum independently.

    @“KennyL”#p98375 to turn it into txt i would just chuck the formula into a spreadsheet and do something like </s>round(42*sin(cell * 1/40.5)) + cell<e> where the cell you multiply is just a column from 0 to 255.

    If you want to change both bumps individually, the easiest way is to create a second curve and change the amplitude (the first multiplier) and then use one curve for the first half
    eg. `y = 42 sin(1.42x) + x` for 0 - 127 and `y = 63 sin(1.42x) + x` for 128 - 255.

    however the middle of the curve will not be smooth.

    If you want it to be smooth from start to finish, I'd recommend looking into a [bezier curve generator]( But it'll be harder to export values from them.
    Someone made a working [cubic bezier curve on Desmos](, but as you can see there is a lot of math going on.

    Maybe someone else will have a better solution as this is where my knowledge of curves is running out.

    @“beets”#p98378 This is great! I can totally go hands on with spreadsheets. Thank you!

    @“beets”#p98378 Ok I got something plotted and numbers outputted.

    [upl-image-preview url=]

    Manually put in offsets for low bump and high bump. Brightening up low/mid with Mister gamma filter totally worked but not able to unclip highs. I still wish there is bezier curve tool that outputs numbers in txt.

    Thanks for big help! I had great fun with this.

    So…. doing that spreadsheet curve math way was total pain. Turned out what I really want is having sliders to slide things around. I have no idea how to make one or find one so I gave up…. until…. I Binged it.


    I asked it to make a webpage that does it and it sure did it. It's depairingly spooky shocking amazing. It took me few hours but could've been way faster if I knew what to ask precisely with design doc. It also chokes with more complex inputs in one go, code getting longer, and longer the steps go. Took me several redos to get to this. Had to stitch several runs together in notepad. It's interesting that there are several AI agents that answer differently. Some code right away and some don't.

    Here is somewhat condensed input from me.


    create website with sliders going from 0 to 255. make sliders 512 pixels wide. have input to import text file. make number of sliders base on rows in input file. set slider value to numbers on each row of input file, ignore empty rows in input file. display slider value on right side of sliders. label each sliders with numbers starting from 0 on left side of siders. make export button to output slider values to text file.


    on right side of sliders, make rectangles 100px wide with rgb color using value of sliders. use same number for r g b.


    change background color to #363330. change font to sanserif and white color. change title to “Curve Adjust”. add header “Curve Adjust” with color #4d8073.


    change slider label numbers on left of sliders monospace font, right justified. change slider value numbers on right of sliders mono font, change color to yellow, right justified. on right of slider label numbers and left of sliders, add number using numbers on each row of input file, light blue color, monospace font, right justified.


    add line chart using slider values as y axis and row number slider label numbers as x axis, make line yellow. dark gray border on chart. add 25% gray linear line from 0,0 to 255,255 to chart.


    keep chart floating on right side even when scrolling page.

    What‘s good free clean iso bin/cue mounter for windows? Haven’t done it in years so don‘t know what’s the go to one these days. I just found that huge game ost CD redumps on archive so need split bin cue mounter and rip them with Exact Audio Copy. Is there ripper that mount, tag, and rip all in one go? Thanks!

    @“KennyL”#p130217 The answer is foobar2000!! Load up cue, tag, rip really fast holy wowoww!!


    Hello what do #v #p #q tags mean on tumblr?


    q normally means that the post was queued/scheduled. Lots of people make up their own queue tags, often puns. They‘re just so people know you aren’t actually online at the moment

    v and p could be anything but they‘re probably video and photo, basically sorting their blog by post type for easy navigation because tumblr’s search function is terrible

    These sorts of things are automated, done using the XKit extension

    @“frog”#p136663 Oh cool got it thanks!!

    can someone figure out how to put these words together into a phrase that makes some kind of sense??

    my #lifeparterFranz needs me

    looks like:

    gk (or qk)
    g (or q)


    @“yeso”#p138204 My best guess is that that gk/qk is actually a ck with a y underneath it, which if thats the case I came up with “Sucks being with you”

    thank you ! it was “Being with you sucks”

    looks like I'm back in the 'ol doghouse right fellas?

    But where's the Y!? is it of screen? or is it someone named “ou” that sucks to be with?

    the “ck” at the top is superimposed over it. The letters and letter combinations drift across the screen so sometimes overlap

    and the “you” in question is me.

    So far today Franz has told me I "nede a wash", that I'm "runing from a tawk, jus lyke [my] faver," told me to remember that people I love will die, and called me a "jock"

    @“yeso”#p138211 Glad I could be of assistance, I think.

    Do we have any woodworking champions on the forums? I have this old rocking chair I inherited when my grandmother died with a missing #3 Robertson screw. I'm wondering what I should do to fill the hole; if putting a new screw in will just damage it more.


    @“the rocky connrrr picture show”#p138403 are you trying to secure it to the seat or just fill it?