A thread for discussing The Game Awards show, which is happening about 24 hours as of time of posting, for better or worse, because you already know if you clicked on this that you’re going to watch it or at least read about it, you fuckin’ rube.
The only sure bet is that 90-99% of it will be boring, annoying, and/or disrespectful towards videogames.
But, maybe we’ll see From Software announce what they’re doing next?
I’m gonna be on the lookout for an awkward crowd shot of Kyle Bosman making a funny face to the camera, which I swore I saw in 2023, but looking back I don’t know if I just dreamt that or not
There had better not be any fucking Muppets there though. I can’t fuckin resist seeing the Muppets make an appearance at a live show of any kind. I didn’t even watch The Muppet Show, I just think it’s so charming to see them be interacted with diegetically during even a live show as bullshit as The Gamer Awards.
Honestly, the idea of fame holds no sway or appeal to me, except for the fact that it’d mean I could talk to Kermit the Frog… I can admit that I see why Geoff did all this now