Last music concert you’ve been

i also saw heavenly very recently and talked to them about their trip to chile! I had to drive 3 hours up to LA to see them but it was totally worth it!!!

I think my most recent concert concert was The Softies in Long Beach

funny you say that cause i just wrote about what i ate in my trips to see both those bands in the veganism thread.

other than that i go (and even play in) to a lot of DIY local shows but i don’t know of those are in the spirit of this thread


nice! i’m actually friends with some of the people in Diners, the band that will be opening that show. They are really good. You don’t want to miss them.


I always show up for the openers!


I’m interested in them anyway - I used to go to DIY shows all the time but many venues closed and I fell out of the scene. Hoping to get back into it when demonschool ships. So it’s cool to see what someone else is doing and at least know some bands that are touring around.


i go to a gig more weeks out of the year than not. usually small local shows but occasionally touring acts as well. last one was Amyl & the Sniffers who i thought i’d seen before but apparently not. i had them mixed up with Labrini Girls, who supported Kim Gordon earlier this year.

Amyl was at an awful, awful venue called an o2 Academy. most UK cities have one. vibeless spaces. churches to FOMO-capitalism. the gig itself was technically not great either. sound was bad band were sloppy. i like heavy music but, feeble specimen that i am, moshing has never been my bag. i think that show was best enjoyed from against the barrier rather than scoping out where the accessible bathrooms are.

i have a local show tomorrow night one town over. next “real” gig is an overnight out-of-town trip for XiuXiu/Evicshen.

these just played some UK dates but i didn’t hear about it till the week of and they didn’t come to the midlands. i would have loved to see them! international bands often come to britain, see how small it is, and decide to play the top and bottom only. i live ~20min walk from a major rail interchange and still, going to manchester or london for a gig is a real operation. bristol is basically impossible. it sucks!


Hell yeah, that Stanford setlist was sick!

Love their livestreams, if that counts then right now. Otherwise Pond at Royale in Boston on Tuesday.


Actually I lied (sorry) last show I saw was Soul Glo and Portrayal of Guilt.
Touche Amore also played but i didn’t stay to see them
I was very sleepy.

Slant was really good!
Music’s so cool.


The last show I went to was Cindy Lee at Zebulon in LA. First time being at that venue and first time seeing her. They were great!


Cindy Lee is great!!! me and a friend organized the Tijuana show that happened 2 days after the LA one. i even designed the flyer! Sadly Cindy had catched a fever that night and couldn’t perform so it was a night of telling bad news to the people arriving unbeknownst. There was even a kid who had taken a bus from a small town 5 hours away just for the show and had his records with him to get them signed. It was a tough night.

We ended up driving to the Ensenada show the next day. It was really amazing and weird cause it was in this fancy ass restaurant in a vineyard area.

(photos stolen from a friend cause they forgot to bring a. sd card and i lended them my phone’s sd card and i have them on my phone still)


Diners were great! Got a record and my partner got a shirt


TLRX also absolutely phenomenal, if you’re in LA you should get tickets now for the show on Saturday

glad to hear it! also hadn’t seen that shirt. it rules! i’m seeing them December 1st with Algernon Cadwallader and now i know i gotta get a t-shirt

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The last show I went to was Electric Six a few months ago in my city. My buddy is their current bassist and it was fun to hang out after. They put on a good show!

Technically the last one I actually went to was Melt Banana but as soon as I stepped into the venue I needed to change my stoma bag. Luckily I lived somewhat nearby and happened to drive but I didn’t end up going back in the end but I did make sure to get the t-shirt before leaving. I’ve seen them before so it wasn’t the worst thing in the world but it was still annoying.

Bristol has great gigs there but the last trains back to Wales go almost immediately after shows end. Several times I’ve had to leave early or sprint to the station. It sucks!


How are you so cool??


i’ve joked before about how i just bring people homemade pastries until i become their friends and eventually leech off their coolness lol

also you’re also so cool!!! been following which zine fests and events you table at (through ig) to see if we are going to be at the same one cause I definetely want to buy some of your illustrations and comics!!


AH! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Let’s do some trades!!! Messaging you.

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Saw Charli XCX last month in SF :green_heart:

Another recent concert - I am in this video from two months ago. I was having one of the best days of my entire life and every time the camera shows me I look like I’m absolutely miserable :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m seeing Caribou on Tuesday :grin:


I’m performing live for the first time in a while with my new project. And of course, I’m overly excited so I’ve crammed way too many ideas into it! lol

You know, I haven’t been to any big famous-people concerts in a while, but one of my job duties over the summer involved assisting a person who was working at one of the largest outdoor music venues in the Midwest. So I did get to interact with a lot of swarms of people and hot weather. I usually left before the music started though.

Speaking of Hozier, they played the first night of the concert season, which was the first day I was helping out my guy, and my partner went to the show. It was also an extremely intermittently thunderstormy night, but in a way that apparently added to the theatricality of everything.


I saw Xiu Xiu last night and they were just absolutely killer. Such a dialled in performance that still felt raw and rough around the edges and live. Great setlist of stuff from their entire catalogue too. If they’re in your area I would highly recommend.

They were performing in a super sick church just around the corner from my flat as well - what a fun night


Darn… they’re playing a show only an hour away from me but I have work early the next morning and won’t be able to find transportation back after the show. Foiled again!

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