At this point I've come across enough of these old ads to know that they are not all bad. I figured there should be a separate thread to post gems like “I'm not BOY”
Here's a pretty charming one I was reminded of the other day:
@“穴”#p41049 What a great looking ad! The format is so convincing it took my mind a minute to reconcile what exactly I was looking at. Either way, glad you chose this thread
not a magazine ad but i didn’t know where to post this. found it in the box for a much simpler calculator while clearing out my gradfather’s house. never seen these before[upl-image-preview url=//]
nothing like kicking back after a hard day of doing complex operations on the calculator at my accounting firm and sitting down to tackle some puzzles… and on the same device! it’s a calculator that says you mean business, but also you’re ready to have fun.