Frank's recent warnings re: CRT ownership have got me all in a tizzy, and now I'm looking online for examples of CRTs being definitively better at projecting all images than so-called "high-definition" displays.
Some stray thoughts:
1) It occurred to me, listening to ep 201, that I watch significantly less TV and play significantly fewer TV-based video games now than I did when I last owned a CRT (2010-2013). Many other life changes have also taken place, but I wonder whether the hardware itself has contributed to that dropoff! It's a fun thing to think about.
2) Is anyone even producing new CRTs anymore? I understand that many (most? all?) of the best CRT makers were Japanese companies. And Japanese companies _sometimes_ continue making products for legacy reasons. But I can't imagine anyone is still making new CRTs in 2021. Therefore, are we living on borrowed time? All material objects have finite lifespans, but is buying a CRT now a fool's errand for hardware maintenance reasons?
3) Up until two years ago, my father owned a glorious 36" Sony Trinitron CRT. I loved it. I still love it, even though it is gone from our lives. The damn thing weighed about one thousand tons, and my father simply _gave_ it away, to a guy who reportedly just dumped it into the back of a pickup truck with no regard for its well-being. The absolute nerve. I would have taken it off of my father's hands in a heartbeat, but I live on the opposite side of the planet, so that seemed like a bad plan. My father now complains that he can't play Mario Strikers (GameCube), a game he got dad-good at (in the sense that dads get good at their one dad game), anymore, because he's playing it on an HD screen. Well, dad, I could have told you that. And I did. What a tragedy.
4) Back when I worked at [The Japan Foundation Toronto](https://jftor.org/), they got rid of an even larger (than 36") widescreen CRT. I asked, Can I have it? The guy in charge of getting rid of it said, Sure, but you have find some way to lug it home. I did not have access to a car at that time, and lived many blocks away. I don't even remember how the hell I got it home, but somehow I did it, and played Super Metroid and Red Dead Redemption (as well as many others) on it.