Logos and λόγος: A Logo Thread

@“KennyL”#p66811 would make a decent Insert Credit logo, tbh (I mean, it reads way more as “IC” than “K,” to me!)

@“kory”#p66822 I totally thought it was I and C at first.

Something real V a p o r w a v e about SNK calling itself a maker of “Leisure System[s]”:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/9ZG5hN9.png]

send them suggestions


They got some good ones already

I was looking into puzzle games today and I learned about Pastel Muses on the Saturn, which is made by Soft Office. The name and the logo are just real nostalgic and cool to me.

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/7OJVOha.gif]

today I learned that Ubisoft used to be cool:



Not a developer but gotta love Gimmick!