Resting and taking breaks is really important for productivity and I wish businesses would get out of the caveman logic of “more work better work”.
@“Emily”#p138369 retail blows!! it should pay the most but instead it pays the least. It was wild when I realized I was the only person not stealing at the record store where I worked.
@“exodus”#p138435 Back in high school (around ‘97) I had two friends that worked at the mall’s Sam Goody. They stole boxes of stuff on the regular. They just grabbed what they wanted, threw it in a box and took the box to the dumpster outside before their shift ended, then picked up the box when they left.
@“tomjonjon”#p138436 I used to know people who had hundreds of cds, and cds were real expensive when I was in high school. They must have worked at record stores…
years ago i went over to a friend of a friends house and one wall of his living room was lined floor to ceiling with vhs tapes he had stolen while working at Hollywood Video
Really kicking myself for never having stolen anything back when I worked at EB Games, in the PS2 era. Real missed opportunity right there!
You know that job I complain about here? I Quit today.
@“treefroggy”#p139041 Good for you! I love quitting jobs tbh
remember how much I used to complain here? that was like 50% of the times I wanted to complain.
hoooo boy it feels good to have that behind me. I only somewhat miss the extra $420/week too. worth it for the peace of mind I‘ve had this week, wow… and the weather… omg I missed the west side. the air here is so much better. and it doesn’t get over 78/80 degrees…. lord
Life Work Money update for tia
So I've had a job again for about a month now.
I now work for the state of nevada. Describing my job as it is would be silly, so I will say simply, I work at a desk now.
I'm not making as much as I did in jobs prior, but I don't feel horrible about it.
I'm mostly glad to be financially buoyant again.
It's wild how good for your mental health having Money for Groceries is.
People here are nice, and trans positive. It's been good.
I just hope I can keep my budget in a row for once.
Where my proletariats at
@“treefroggy”#p144311 We right here dog.
@“treefroggy”#p144311 lumpen checking in
I’m upper class and very wealthy just so you all know. Never worked a day in my life thanks to my investments
@“yeso”#p144828 trickle me
My mental health is suffering tremendously because of work.
I try not to complain about it too much but I think I might be the most unhappy I‘ve been in my life, currently.
I’ve been trying to be better about working less, but it‘s really hard in the trades to not do 12 hour days some days.
I’m scared that if I leave this job I‘ll never see a potential for a lucrative career again.
But I need money
I simultaneously feel very lucky and very guilty that familial wealth will one day make my life significantly easier.
I need to figure something out but I’m not sure how. I feel like I'm too busy to make time to talk to anybody about it.