Thank you for your kind words, I really hope that I can find something like that too. I don't even know why it's so hard, really. It's like, I like the work I sign up to do and I especially love the people I aim to serve, I always try my best to do it well, and the only people who end up disliking me at work are the ones who have firing power over me and itch to use it lol.
@“rejj”#p154528 If you don’t want to go in to the details of it, and you are ok with bending the truth (largely via omission) you could just say if/when asked that you were let go due to some form of structural / organisational changes or the like.
I've thought of that, and honestly it might even be kind of true (with how little work I was being given to do I don't know why I'd keep me employed either), but the danger there is that it doesn't exactly explain why it is I'm not listing anyone from there as a professional reference (this caught me so off guard that I hadn't even thought to ask anyone to be a reference for me), least of all my former manager who has nothing to gain from saying nice things about me now.
@“MovingCastles”#p154539 If it’s only a couple to a few months I might consider not including that in my resume.
This is probably the correct play, here, as it was indeed only a couple of months. However...
@“MovingCastles”#p154539 Especially if you have extensive experience.
Yeah... that's my real weakness. I'm capable and I'm good at what I do but the opportunities I've had to actually demonstrate that are quite slim.
I don't want to sound like the guy who can't accept that they're the common denominator in all of their workplace woes, but it's been implosion after backstab after dud for me so far. I started working in the community service field about 6 months before the world shut down in 2020. My first job barely gave me any work to do and then my job basically didn't exist during lockdown. So, when it came to renew my contract after a year it was a non-starter. My second job was a short contract, and on one hand I chose to not accept the renewal for personal mental health reasons, but the person whose position I was covering (they were temporarily in some kind of COVID related role for some reason) contrived a reason to complain to the Executive Director about me and it all ended on a very sour note. Third job, the one before this, I was also fired without cause and without any warning and no real reason.
So I guess of the approximately 48-60 months I've been trying to get into this field, I've been employed for only about 26 of them. I don't know if I've just got horrible luck or what. It makes me feel a little better to think I just really piss toxic people off but I really wish they did not keep having power over me...