Making Green: A Wage Slog Thread

that’s right, it’s official
the job search is over!!!
i got a job at my local bookstore, had my first day today
these first 2 weeks will be training mode, it was pretty chill today
filling out some stuff, reading the opening part of the beginner’s manual they have, a basic tour of the store
organizing books alphabetically authors last name
cleaning the shelves and cleaning the bathroom (at closing)

there were a couple of customers who asked for help and i sorta froze up a little cause its my first day of working at a bookstore ever lol
i’m sure in time that it’ll be less taunting, once i know what im doing better

first time having an hour lunch too, that was nice
watched an episode of kamen rider ryuki (31/50 eps done, im liking it)

hoping that this job goes well, i think that it will


awesome! i spent quite a few years working at bookstores. enjoy every minute because even the lowest points are better than most other jobs out there.


I passed my probation period in my new job a couple of weeks ago which, whilst it wasn’t in any doubt, is a relief. I’m now also eligible to apply for secondments and promotions and it just so happened that yesterday a colleague in a team adjacent to mine announced that she’s leaving the organisation. I’m 80% certain that I’d want her job but I’ll wait for the ad to show up.


Starting a new job today. First time at a new workplace in 12 years. Mixed feelings all around but mostly excited.


had the interview for a promotion the other day (turns out it’s kinda embarrassing to get interviewed by someone you went to school with). originally, i applied for the opening in tech services since that’s 1) where my experience is best used and 2) is the dept. most aligned with actual career progression (archives). somehow, probably through their classification status, a co-worker (another person from my grad cohort lol) was able to sidestep all of this and snatch that from under everyone. so i applied for the adult services position. i really do not want it since it pushes me towards public libraries more but there are also near-zero opportunities around here for libraries or archives and it’s a pay bump so let 'er rip, i guess.

certainly worked worse places, just constantly feeling behind and forever jerked around by the need to survive instead of getting to actually focus on something.

anyway, hope i get it lol.


I’m pleased to say that, once again, against all odds, I have defeated the unemployable allegations.


congrats and also condolences


Seems like it’s gonna be a good one, I’ll share more once I’ve gotten settled in and done more of vibe check.


i took these five photos in my work van on the way back to the shop last friday afternoon. they tell the story of an air conditioner that doesn’t work until, suddenly, it does, (right before i get to the shop.)


Just scheduled my first interview of the new Saskatoon Job Hunt. I had a decent thing going before I moved, but I was just starting to get sick of it when I left, so probably for the best. Hoping for another job I can work at for ~6 months while I figure out whether I wanna head to a technical school and start something resembling an actual “career.” If not, I’ll work at it until I get sick of it and then try something else.


Has anyone ever dealt with feelings of being too old for a job? I have a side job as a tutor, and almost every one of my coworkers is half my age.

I’m starting to feel a bit of shame that I’m doing this job, and I don’t know what to do with that. I like the job; it’s convenient and it pays enough for a side thing, but I feel more and more out of place.


As long as it’s not bumming you out I wouldn’t worry about it. Some of the out of place people are cool!


is there such a things a age-appropriate side job though?


I almost applied for a job at the docks because I was thinking about Shenmue. I don’t know how to drive a forklift and that was basically the only requirement. I’d probably be pretty good if someone taught me though.


I thought about it more and decided to apply anyway. I’ve always thought driving a forklift seems like fun, even before Shenmue. Maybe my passion will shine through and they’ll decide to teach me how.


I once asked if I could drive the forklift at an old job and they let me. I didn’t mention Shenmue at any point though


It is a lot like the game irl


I drove a forklift occasionally at a summer job one year. It… wasn’t that hard. But I also wasn’t under any pressure to be fast or efficient with my forklifting or anything. Got to do that and I got to drive as big of a truck as you can with a non commercial license in Missouri. I forget if that was a F-450 or 650. So I had a pretty big range of vehicles I received no training on. Nevertheless it wasn’t me but my boss who caused massive property damage to the company property when he dropped a full load of sand for sandblasting right behind the cab of the truck instead of the rear axle and bent the whole damn truck into a V.



Telling my interviewer that I’m early because “i thought I’d get lost” probably didn’t set the best first impression.