Megaten megathread

Funny, after playing The Answer he seems a lot more ACAB to me.

I think I give him some leeway on the grounds that he’s literally a 11yo orphan. It’s not even like he’s technically wrong either. Shinjiro did kill his mother and a ultra powerful corp just swept it under the rug. From his perspective it must seem all kinds of fucked up.

Most of the cast in P3 starts out as shitheads before mellowing out. Ken’s not really much of outlier there imo.


karusen very succinctly said a lot of what I feel already.

There are just so many things about P3 that a remake never would or could replicate. It’s a remake for the P5 audience and their expectations which is just so different than what it was like in 2007 when P3 first hit in the west. It’s a remake that captures next to none of what made the original feel so brave and different.


Yea I second all of this. I don’t see narc energy at all. He’s an 11 yo with a lot of trauma who is acting rashly but not all that irrationally based on the information that he has/information that is 90% true anyway. His linked episodes are great and him asking you to take care of his hamster if he dies is a great detail that captures the conflict between his maturity and immaturity

Also, given the clique-within-the-clique dynamics of the party, Ken is very clearly on the second-year side. If you go to the shrine on certain days before Ken joins your party, Junpei and Yukari will be there playing with him at the playground. When Ken joins, they make slight references that they already know him.

I was way more annoyed/deceived with Akihiko and Shinji throughout that section of the game for being so clandestine to the point that it’s a detriment to the party’s overall performance. I kinda wish Yukari yelled at them instead of Mitsuru for being so secretive

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Spent 30 hours grinding in Episode Aigis so I could have the HP and stats to take on the super secret superboss Joker from P5 on Heartless. And I did it!

But now I’ve been sitting on my couch for an hour unsure if it was worth the effort… So, what now?


I plan on playing Episode Aigis some time soon, but no chance I’ll complete that. Congrats. The SMT V super bosses were annoying enough and that didn’t even require going out of my way to grind. Reload’s super boss one shot me at the start of every fight and I just said “nope.” Didn’t want to bother deciphering whatever obscure conditions were instakilling me with no cues to what was going on that I could tell. I love these games but most of the super bosses are just very poor design to me.

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I think the SMT super bosses are better designed on the whole. Both Elizabeth and Joker don’t feel great to me because there’s too much rng/stuff outside of the player’s control. For example, you need to use Fuuka’s theurgy on the first turn to get charge/concentrate on the party. It’s a 50% chance. If she casts the atk/def/agi buffs instead, that’s a game over. Also, there’s a phase later in the fight that’s not supposed to be an instant game over, but in the two+ months the game has been out no one has figured out how to consistently survive it so the solution is to just kill the boss before that phase. Doesn’t seem great to me :man_shrugging:t3:

My favorite Persona boss, and what I still consider the best designed of the bunch, is Lavenza from Persona 5 Royal. There are very clear and distinct phases, there’s enough variation to keep you on your toes/force you to improvise, and you’re allowed to use all of the game’s mechanics without pissing her off and triggering an instant-lose button. It’s everything the Joker fight isn’t. Also grinding stats in P5 takes a fraction of the time.

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The author of Megami Tensei is awesome, his twitter is awesome, and I can relate to his introspections. So cool.