Have you ever bought something only to realize you already had it? Or that you used to have it and didn’t like it? Or didn’t have the platform that could run it?
Since I don’t keep good lists, I often find myself buying games in Japan that I already own. Usually this isn’t a big deal because it’s something small or weird and that’s why I don’t remember I had it already.
This one is another story.
I discovered - just this week! - that I have two copies of blast wind for Saturn. Aficionados will know that this is 1) a cool game and 2) a very expensive game.
The thing is I don’t remember buying either copy. and one of them had a price tag on it - 30800 yen. I would’ve remembered (I think) if I bought it when the yen was super low, which means I paid like… Kind of a lot of money for it (though about $250 less than the last copy with spine card that sold on ebay). I really do not remember doing that. Even more, I don’t remember buying another copy. When did this all happen? Why didn’t I realize? I have played blast wind! I’ve played one of these copies!
What the heck did I do? Luckily whatever price I paid for blast wind it’s worth more now, so I can sell it and fix my costly error. But maybe there’s some value in keeping lists of your games after all.
Anyway feel free to share your tales.
(for those who don’t know blast wind, it’s a shooter from techno soft that was planned for arcades in 1993, did poorly in location tests and was retooled, then retooled again, then released on Saturn in 1997. It features branching paths which is cool! Also has great music. See 3:20 in this video)